Sunday, March 3, 2013

February Fun

February was unbelievably busy! Each week the Cottontails were preparing for big events - Authors' Cocoa, Partner Books, Secret Valentine Week, and Dr. Seuss's birthday. We have had so much fun and could feel the love throughout the month. Enjoy some photos from Valentine's Day & Dr. Seuss's birthday below. Our Authors' Cocoa and Partner Books events can be found highlighted in the blog post (We Are Authors) below. More photos can be found in the February 2013 photo album.

Valentine's Day Fun
Preparing our Secret Valentine gift - sewing & stuffing our felt hearts
Thank you Teja (Kaden's Mom) for your help in both our classroom and the Conejitos' classroom.

Preparing our gifts for Mom & Dad - handprint hearts & a Valentine poem

Preparing our Valentine bags - decorating fabric bags to hold our Valentine gifts

Checking our Secret Valentine Mailboxes at the end of the school day.

Playing HEART Bingo - using math facts to find Bingo

Graphing (& eating!) Conversation Hearts

Delivering our class Valentines

Secret Valentine Reveal

Our Class with our Secret Valentine Books

Enjoying our Secret Valentine gifts

Dr. Seuss's Birthday Fun
Happy 109th Birthday Dr. Seuss! What fun way to celebrate a wonderful author's birthday. We are looking forward to learning more about this author who's classic books still rank high with the love of all children. PJ Day was the perfect way to celebrate this silly man's birthday. Take a look at our Book Shelf to see the Dr. Seuss books we have read. As we continue to study Dr. Seuss's books, and his life, I will add more of our books to the Shelf.

Enjoying our Cat in the Hat Parfaits while watching Horton Hears a Who
The Cottontails used the movie to compare the similarities and differences between the book and the movie. Students spent time during the movie whispering to their neighbors "That parts the same." or "Whoa! The part is way different."

Getting cozy during DEAR time.

DEAR Time - Willowwind friends read for 60 minutes.

DEAR Time - Willowwind friends read for 60 minutes.

Kindergarten Cat in the Hats - Look for certificates and photos to go home with your child on Monday.

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Even the teachers got in the sprit with cozy pjs and goofy Whoville hair!

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