Sunday, March 3, 2013

Website Updated - Feb/Mar Newsletter & More

Our website has been updated. Check out the latest additions. Below you will also find a few reminders and upcoming events information.

~ February / March Newsletter
This newsletter is full of new information. Take a look!

~ February Photo Album
Check out pictures from the month of February. Don't forget you can save these photos for your family's collection by dragging them to your desktop or right clicking and selecting "Save Image As…" or "Add Image to iPhoto Library" for Mac users.

1) Supplies
Please be sure your child is prepared for each school day. It is very important that they have their Take Home Folder, Bunny Bag, and cut Spelling Sort each day. Without these supplies your child cannot best participate in our classroom activities. Help them develop their responsibility by guiding them in preparing their supplies for school each evening or each morning.

2) Lone Wolf Cafe
Lone Wolf Cafe opened last week (opened Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays). A number of Cottontails are participating in this yummy event. Single meals ($7.00) are still available for purchase. Each morning and afternoon the Wolves are available in the Entry Way to purchase meal tickets. Your support helps them fund their annual class trip. This year's trip is to an environmental ed camp in Illinois. Thank you for your support. A menu can be found HERE or on the Welcome Page's Right Sidebar.

Upcoming Events:
Sadly, the snow, yet again, had other plans for us on originally scheduled field trip day. We have rescheduled our field trip to Home Ec for Friday, March 8th. Please be sure you leave your child's booster seat. Also, PLEASE NOTE, if you were planning to drive, please reconfirm with me if you can or cannot drive on the 8th.

Community Night - Thursday, March 14th 5:30 - 7:00
Our much anticipated Spring Community Night is quickly approaching. Save the date and plan to attend our special night where you child will be presenting some of our favorite Fabric projects to the Willowwind Community. Due to our growing community, this event will take place at the River Community Church. Please meet there (shortly before 5:30) as we present our projects and listen to our 1-6 grade friends present their exciting Science projects and Science Fair exhibits. We are looking forward to it!

Spring Break and After School Enrichment Classes
Although Session 1 of our After School Enrichment Courses began in February, students can still sign up for Session 2 classes (March 25 - May 4). To learn more and download a registration sheet stop by the Front Desk, or click here.

Willowwind is also excited to host its second annual Spring Break Arts Program during the week of Spring Break (March 18-22). Music and Theater classes are available for all ages. Registration is open and is available on first come, first serve basis. To learn more and download a registration sheet stop but the Front Desk or click here. Links can also be found in the Welcome Page's Right Sidebar.

Please contact Katherine at with any questions regarding After School Enrichment Courses or the Spring Break Arts Program.

Postponed Mulch Day
We have postponed Mulch Day until the snow has melted; however, we are still in need of parent helpers. Continue to watch for updated news about this opportunity. To help out, and earn family service hours, visit Sign-Up Genius and locate this opportunity under "Work Days".

Volunteer Opportunities:
Sign ups for other volunteer opportunities (Parent Coffees, Community NIght, etc) are available. Sign-Up Genius events are password protected. To find our events search under our Program Director, Katherine's email, Feel free to contact her, or me, if you forgot Willowwind's password.
Home Ec Workshop RESCHEDULED Field Trip - Friday, March 8th 9:30 - 11:45

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