Monday, March 25, 2013

VIP Day - NEXT Monday, April 1st

VIP Day is upon us. NEXT Monday, April 1, Willowwind families, students and their special VIPs are welcome to Wllowwind for a day of great fun. VIP Day begins with lunch at 11:30 a.m. and includes an extended Group Discussion time until 1:00 p.m. Then, students and their guests will enjoy time in students' classrooms for an hour before heading to the River Church for the Spring Music Program from 2:00 - 3:15 p.m. Does your student have a Very Important Person in mind for this day? Look for invitations to go home midweek. Please RSVP via email and let me know who your child's VIP will be. It could be a grandparent, adult family member, family friend, neighbor, coworker - any one important to your child and your family - the ideas are endless.

In addition, for VIP Day, the Wolf class will be selling a special Monday, VIP Edition Meal from Lone Wolf Cafe. They will be offering meals for students and their VIPs and will be serving Mac 'n' Cheese and Green Beans. The Wolves are excited for this wonderful occasion and hope you are, too.  If you are interested in supporting the Wolf Class trip by purchasing lunch on VIP day, please purchase your meals by Friday, March 29.  The cost is $7 per person.  Meals are sold before school M, Tu, and W or daily after school.  Questions about the meal? Email the Wolves at

Please let me know if you have any questions. Looking forward to VIP Day on Monday, April 1st!

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