Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Save the Date: Authors' Cocoa - NEXT Fri 12.19

Willowwind is pleased to announce our annual Authors' Cocoa!  At this wonderful tradition each student has the opportunity to select and share original writing pieces with the Willowwind community.  YOU ARE INVITED to attend our Authors' Cocoa and listen to our beautiful poetry.

You're Invited!!  Authors' Cocoa
Who:  Willowwind Friends K-6

What:  Share Writing Pieces

Where:  Willowwind School's GD Space

 Thursday, December 18 12:30 - 2:00 pm for Grades 3-6
 FridayDecember 19 1:30 - 3:00 pm for Grades K-2

Due to our quickly growing student body, our students are set to share on two different days.  Please mark your calendar for the K-2 day, but we'd love to have you attend both days if you are able.  Come see what our older friends work on in their classes and are capable of doing!

Why: To share our love for reading and writing with you!

We are still in need of parent volunteers to help out with:
•  day of set up (Thursday)
•  day of tear down (Thursday & Friday)
•  cocoa serving needs (Friday).
Please click HERE to sign up to help.

As a reminder, Winter Break begins on Saturday, December 20th.  Willowwind will be closed through Sunday, January 4th.  Classes resume and the office reopens on Monday, January 5th.

Nov Scholastic Book Order ARRIVED

If you ordered books through November's Scholastic Book Order they have arrived and are ready to go home.  I have not sent them home with students as a number of you mentioned that they were gifts for your children.  Upon drop-off or pick-up please feel free to find your child's bag of Scholastic Books in our Kindergarten Project Room.  Books are sorted by child in labeled plastic bags on the Project Room's file cabinets.  Please pick up at your earliest convenience.

In addition, to all parents:

Due to our wonderful November order, Scholastic has sent us a class set of FREE BOOK coupons to use in the month of December.  Look for these coupons to go home Wednesday, December 10th.  Please note, while there won't be a formal Book Order this month, feel free to take advantage of the FREE book deals by placing an online order.  Any extra orders that are placed in December will be shipped to school and I will send home as soon as they arrive.  Take advantage of this extra offer soon as these coupons expire on December 31st.

To order online:
2)  First time visitors:  SET UP an account for your family - Enter class activation code NCNYY
3)  SHOP from a variety of inexpensive book and take advantage of the two FREE Book coupons.
4)  Payment is accepted online.
5)  Books are delivered directly to the class and I will send home with your child as soon as they arrive.

Thanks for all your support!

PS:  Parents that ordered in November, look for additional coupons in your child's bag of orders books as an extra thanks from Scholastic.

PPS:  Want more FREE books?  I have extra coupons!  Just let me know if you are interested and the coupons are yours!!

Winter Reminders

Please read carefully as there are a lot of reminders as we approach the end of the calendar year.

Library - Wed, Dec 17
We will be traveling to the library next Wednesday, December 17th.  Please be sure your child has their library card.  Also note that November's library books are due TODAY - Wednesday, December 10th.

Winter Clothing
Please be sure your child is prepared for daily outdoor play.  Even though there is no snow boots and snow pants are still required.  Our boots and snow pants protect our clothing and bodies from the winter mud and cold.  Please bring daily.  In addition, please be sure your child's cubby is stocked with an extra change of winter clothes.  Accidents of all sorts happen so please be sure your child is prepared in case of a spill or mess.

As we reach the  middle of the school year, it is important that we continue to help our children foster consistent routines between home and school.  Please be sure to take time nightly to work on:
•  Math (one double-sided page per week day)
•  Spelling (click HERE for a nightly routine)
•  Reading (new books will go home at the start of the school year in the meantime utilize the public library or your wonderful home libraries to build reading fluency).
A special Winter Break Homework Packet will go home towards the end of next week as a fun activity for your child to do while home from school during their two weeks off.

Rest Time Blankets
Rest Time blankets will go home for the last time next Wednesday, December 17th.  After Winter Break, the Cottontails' Rest Time will be transferring into a Quiet Reading Time where the Kindergarteners will work on building reading stamina and oral fluency.  This is always an exciting time where our reading brains grow quickly and rapidly.  When Rest Time blankets go home next week they may stay home for the remainder of the school year.  Thanks!

Non-Prescription Medications
Tis the season for the common cold, runny noses, and scratchy throats.  Please remember that you must fill out a non-presprition medication dispersal form for Willowwind to administer any over the counter medications - including throat lozenges.  This over-the-counter medications must be given to the Front Desk and dispersed by our office administration they cannot be kept in your child's backpack or cubby for students to use at their convenience.  Thank you for understanding and please see Rachel at the Front Desk with any questions or further needs.

Gem Party
We are working really hard on recommitting ourselves to being respectful and responsible throughout our entire school day.  We are using kind voices, kind bodies, and respectful actions.  Because of this we are nearing our second gem party - a movie and a snack.  Next week, the kindergarteners plan to watch The Velveteen Rabbit (rated G) and/ or The Willows in Winter (not rated) as we have just finished their beautiful stories.  Click the links above to learn more about the movies.  It is rated G.  Please let me know if you have questions or concerns about the movie and snack.  Congrats to the Cottontails!

Save the Date! - Friday Night Fun - Fri, Dec 12
Friday, December 12
Looking for something fun for the kids to do?  Put Friday, December 12th on your calendar for Friday Fun Night at Mercer Aquatic Center / Scanlon Gym. Fee is $5 per child (youth 12 and under). Admission wrist bands may be purchased at the check-in desk.  Kids' activities will include: three inflatables (including an 18-foot slide), roller-skating, swimming, open game room, and crafts. Socks are required to play on any of the inflatables.  All participating children must be directly supervised by an adult at all times.  There must be at least one adult present for every five children.  For more information, call the Recreation Info Desk at 319-356-5109 or visit their website by clicking here.

Don't forget, too, about our upcoming Authors' Cocoa on Thursday, December 18 (grades 3-6) and Friday, December 19 (Grades K-2).  Click HERE to volunteer.  See you soon!

Thankful For...

The end of November and beginning of December have given us many reasons to be thankful and feel the joy of the season.

Thanksgiving Feast
The Thanksgiving Feast was a huge success!  The student prepared food was delicious, the decorations were beautiful, the bilingual conversations were fun, and the feeling of joy and love was heartwarming.

Our Turkey Centerpieces with
"I am thankful for..." feathers

Partner Family Feast Table Mates

"I am thankful for my family."

The Nutcracker
It was such a treat to return from Thanksgiving Break and head to the Englert and Nolte Dance Academy's annual production of The Nutcracker.  We were so proud to cheer on our own Conejito friend, Isaak Martin as he performed as a part of The Nutcracker's cast.  It was fun to hear our side of the theater a buzz when Isaak stepped on stage.

In addition, a BIG THANK YOU goes out to Andy and Phoebe Martin who generously donated the tickets for our K-2 students and teachers.  Without their support, last Friday's field trip would not have been possible.  This is a great example of an alternative way of giving.  Have a community opportunity that you'd love to share with our classes?  Please feel free to contact me with any ideas.  Giving can take place in many different forms.  What we do here at Willowwind cannot be done with your support, community partnerships, and encouragement.  We are always looking to our community as an extension of our school.  Friday's Nutcracker is a wonderful way of helping our students learn from beyond the classroom.  Let me know if you have ideas on how to further bring the community to our classroom.

Excited to be at the Englert Theater


Way to go, Isaak!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Englert Field Trip THIS Friday 12.5

We are excited to announce that Willowwind's K-2 classes will be taking a special trip downtown THIS Friday, December 5th to see the Englert's showing of The Nutcracker.  Nolte Academy of Dance and The Englert Theater are excited to present a unique and highly entertaining version of the beloved Winter classic.  Student will take a journey with Clara and her hero as they defeat the evil Mouse King.  We will travel with them through the magical Land of Snow and delight in their arrival in the Kingdom of Sweets.  We are beyond excited!

The Nutcracker begins promptly at 9:30 am so to be sure that we get there in time for the showing we MUST leave school no later than 8:35 to catch the 8:45 bus downtown.  Please be sure your child arrives no later than 8:15 so we can prepare for our field trip and leave on time.

We can't wait to tell you about all the fun we'll have when we see you in the afternoon.  What a fun end to our week!

Specials Update - Nov / Dec

Enjoy the updates from our Specials teachers.  Please let them know if you have any questions or concerns.  They'd love to hear from you.

Spanish w/ Megan
In Spanish class this month we learned how to say "por favor" (please) when asking for a food (comida) item. We learned about virtues, such as being thankful (Doy gracias por…), by modeling please, thank you, and you’re welcome. We continued to practice what we have already learned this year through games and songs. We prepared for our Thanksgiving Feast by learning specific Spanish vocabulary that can be used at school and at family celebrations.

Words that you and your children can use with your child include:
Por favor – please
Gracias – thank you
De nada – you’re welcome

We practiced using our Spanish manners with various food items:
Pavo, por favor – turkey, please
Maíz, por favor – corn, please
Calabaza, por favor – pumpkin, please
Puré de manzana, por favor – applesauce, please

Maestra Megan

Physical Education w/ Karen
One of our November PE units featured Long Rope Jumping.  Students worked on entering, exiting and having fun inside a long jump rope held by two turners. They displayed their GRIT attempting these new and challenging rope jumping skills.

In class, we briefly discussed some of the benefits of jumping rope.  We talked about how rope jumping is an excellent exercise for the heart, muscles and brain. In this article I wanted to explore the “brain benefits” in more depth. We don’t often think about how our brain reaps benefits while we are huffing, puffing, sweating and jumping.  But, researchers are finding that physical activity, like jumping rope, does help to prepare the brain for learning in the classroom. Below is a list of the “brain benefits” from physical activity (originally identified by Jean Blaydes, of Action Based Learning), attributed specifically to jumping rope.

Did you know that jumping rope increases mental alertness?  When students raise their heart rate while jumping, the brain gets more blood. The blood feeds the brain its needed nutrients and oxygen for heightened alertness and metal focus. I like to tell students that they are “turning on” their brain for learning.

Did you know that jumping rope helps the brain to grow more brain cells?  It has been demonstrated that aerobic activity grows new brain cells in rodents.  Promising research suggests that this may also apply to humans. Check out THIS interesting article for more information.

Did you know that jumping rope helps the brain with language acquisition? Think of the steady beat students keep to jump in time with the rope and the songs they sing that match that beat. Do you remember any jump rope rhymes from your childhood? These rhythmic aspects of jumping rope are foundational to basic reading skills. Beat awareness and beat competency simulate the basic rhythm patterns of our language that need to be established for better language acquisition. More details about the connection between rhythm and reading can be found in THIS article.

Did you know that jumping rope improves your mood? While raising their heart rate, students that jump rope help their brain and body balance its chemistry and electricity.  The result can be a state of peace and emotional well-being. Physical activity that increases heart rate is often prescribed to treat anxiety and depression. Check out THIS abstract for a summary of research in this area.

It is my hope that your student and your family reap all the fitness and “brain benefits” that rope jumping has to offer. I haven’t even mentioned yet how easy it is to start jumping. It requires little equipment, time and space; a perfect winter, indoor activity. Students can jump alone or with friends and family. So, grab a rope and start jumping today!

Happy Jumping!  Karen Robbins

Questions? Need any jumping ideas?

Music w/ Katherine
Click HERE to read Katherine's updated blog.

Art w/ Ryan
Coming Soon!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Thoughts

Hello.  Just a few quick thoughts to send your way at the start of our week.  Stay warm!

Library Card / Library Books
Be sure that your child brings their library card to school THIS Wednesday, November 19th when we will be traveling to the library.  Also, October library books are due this day so feel free to have your child bring last month's books with them to return when we get to the library.

While on the topic of reading and books, also note that our Scholastic Book Order window has been extended to this Wednesday.  Please feel free to order until then if you would still like.  First time orderers, don't forget to use our activation code NCNYY.  I still have some FREE book coupons available.  Click HERE to place an order.

Homework - Thanksgiving Break
Please note that there will be no spelling homework this week or next week due to Thanksgiving Break.  Upon our return from Thanksgiving Break, we will begin new Spelling sorts with most of our groups starting new spelling units.  In addition, please also note that there will not be a Math Homework packet next week due to our short week.  Instead, students will be taking home a fun Thanksgiving Break Homework packet to complete.  Enjoy the various activities that it holds and enjoy the time with your family.  Remember, there is no school or BASP next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Thanksgiving Feast
THANK YOU to all who so very quickly volunteered to help out with our Feast supplies.  Your prompt replies are so very much appreciated.  We are still in need of tables for our student & teacher feast and one parent volunteer to help with serving and cleaning.  Please click HERE if you are able to help out in those ways.  Also, please be sure to have all necessary supplies to school by THIS Friday, November 21st (tables can come to school on Monday the 24th).  I will not be here on Friday, but will leave a note with the sub to expect the supplies.  Dry goods and supplies can be stored in the Project Room & refrigerated goods should be labeled, "Cottontails" and be placed in the Kitchen's refrigerator.  Many thanks again for your help and support!  We are so excited for the fun!

Toys from Home
Please note that up until this point in our school year all toys from home must remain at home.  Most often, Kindergarteners are welcome to bring a toy to share with their classmates during recess time.  I enjoy this opportunity as encourages sharing and cooperative play.  An important rule is that these toys from home remain in backpacks or cubbies until recess time.  Unfortunately, our Kindergarten friends have not been able to abide by this important rule and because of it we have discussed the importance of following directions and trust.  As a class we have discussed that all toys must stay at home until we can trust in each other that directions and rules will be followed.  Please be sure your child keeps all toys at home until this occurs.  When it does, I will happily communicate the chance to bring toys back to school home to you.  Thank you for understanding.

Outdoor Gear
Burr!!! It is cold out there!  Today we were forced inside due to the blustering wind; however, if the wind chill remains above 0 we will go outside.  Our little bodies need the time to run around and enjoy the snow.  Because of this be sure that your child has all necessary supplies to stay warm outside - jacket, snow pants, hats, gloves, and boots (and an indoor pair of shoes, too) are necessary supplies.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Volunteer Opportunity: Thanksgiving Feast

The season of giving is here.  Our much anticipated Thanksgiving Feast is just around the corner.  The K-6 students and staff will gather together on Tuesday, November 25th to give thanks and enjoy traditional Thanksgiving foods created by each classroom.  This year, the students will be preparing for an unprecedented 100+ guests.  Because of our large numbers, and due to the students cooking all the dishes, this event is a K-6 student and faculty only event.  The Feast will be a hearty one and students will not need a lunch from home on Tuesday, November 25th.

The Cottontails are excited to bake three batches of Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting.  I am in need of parents to help supply ingredients for our baked goods (and 50 plates).  Please use THIS link to sign up to bring one or more ingredient for us to use in our cooking.  Please bring in ingredients no later than THIS Friday, November 21st.

In addition, Willowwind is also in need of two parent volunteers from each classroom to help with serving and clean up.  If you are able, please consider joining us to help serve and clean up so that students and teachers can focus on enjoying each other's company and relishing in all that we are grateful for.  Please use the link above to sign up for a time slot.

Finally, Willowwind is also in need of card tables (just tables no chairs).  If you have a card table that Willowwind can borrow please indicate so and the number of people it can seat on the above linked sign up sheet.  Your help is much appreciated.  Thanks in advance!

We are so very excited for our Feast Day.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  I know that your child will be excited to share all the fun we have when they see you Tuesday after school.  Thank you in advance for your preparation help!

Scholastic Book Wizard & Orders

I'm excited to share with you a tool I recently discovered to help you find books for your home library that fit within your child's reading level.  It is Scholastic's Book Wizard and it is a great feature where you can order many books directly from Scholastic's Reading Club program.

To look for books at your child's reading level go to:

Click "Search by Reading Level" to get started.  Here you can search for books based on your child's reading level.  You can search by:
•  Grade Level - Reading Equivalent
•  Guided Reading A-Z Level (preferred search option)
•  Lexile Reading Number Range

To find your child's reading level, please refer to your child's Reading Level Correlation Chart you received at last week's Parent/Teacher Conferences.

Because of this great option and it's link to our Scholastic Book Order Reading Club program I plan to extend our November Book Order Sale until this Wednesday, November 19th.  Remember, our new parent activation code is NCNYY.  If you are still interested in ordering, or would like to order more books from your child's reading level, I have ADDITIONAL FREE BOOK COUPONS available.  If you are interested in taking advantage of these extra coupons please let me know and I will send the codes your way.

Enjoy this tool available to help build your child's reading level library at your home.  Or, use their mobile app where you can find books appropriate for your child's reading development at the local library.

Our classroom is FULL of happy and content readers!  Happy reading to you!

PS:  DON'T FORGET!!!  We are headed to the library THIS Wednesday, November 19th.  Please be sure your child has their library card.

Monday, November 10, 2014

THIS Thur 11.13 Field Trip POSTPONED

Due to the anticipated cold weather, we have elected to postpone the all-school field trip on Thursday, November 13th.  Our day at Hickory Hill Park will be rescheduled for the spring semester.

Please plan for a normal school day THIS Thursday, November 13th with normal pick up and drop off to occur at Willowwind School with normal Before and After School Programming available.  Thank you for your flexibility as we respond to the unexpected!  Please let me know if you have questions.

Scholastic Book Orders Due THIS Fri 11.14

Thank you to those that have made Scholastic Book orders.  Doing so helps build your child's library and our library in Kindergarten.  Remember, all orders (online or in paper) are due THIS Friday, November 14th.  This month is a GREAT month to get some of that Holiday shopping done for your little ones or other special children in your life.  Thank you in advance for your help and support.  Happy Shopping!

To shop online:
2)  First time visitors:  SET UP an account for your family - Enter class activation code NCNYY
3)  SHOP from a variety of inexpensive book.  November is a perfect time to stock up on gifts!
4)  SUBMIT your order online or to me by Friday, November 14th to help earn FREE books for our classroom.

Don't forget to use your TWO FREE book coupons that were sent home last week.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Math Mania!

The Kindergarteners have loved splitting into daily small groups to study and work with various math concepts.  Below you will find updates from each of our Math groups.  Contact your child's small group math teacher for any question or concerns.

Michelle's Math Class - The Dime Group
Throughout October and November, the Dime Group has been studying Number Bonds and Shapes and Patterns.  With Chapter 2, we learned how to use number bonds to better understanding putting numbers together and taking numbers a part.  Number bonds form an important foundation for the learning of the concepts of addition and subtraction - making these concepts easier to understand.  Learning about parts and wholes helps students see how to make different number bonds for a given number.  Number bonds also helped students begin practicing mental math.

Our background knowledge of shapes includes identifying, naming and describing a variety of plane ("flat") shapes.  Throughout Chapter 5, students extend their knowledge of shapes using vocabulary terms such as: edges, sides, and corners.  We have also been studying how shapes are alike and different by describing their geometric attributes and properties.  To better understand "attributes" we have been playing "Which Doesn't Belong?" where students gather up shapes that share one (or more) attributes and one that doesn't.  We will continue to learn about solid ("3d") shapes, how to relate shapes to real world objects, and how to make elaborate patterns with shapes.  Questions?  Contact Michelle at

Lou's Math Class - The Nickel Group
Flat and 3D shapes are all around us! We have had so much fun the past two weeks starting to identify flat and 3D shapes.

Flat Shapes:
We have started our shape unit in the nickel  (miss Lou) group last week week. We started our unit off by identifying flat shapes: triangle, square, rectangle and circle. We used shapes from to make patterns and pictures. Students focused on not only recognizing the shape everywhere around us but also on how to recognize the word.  Questions we asked ourselves about each flat shape:
How many sides does it have?
How many corners does it have?
What makes this shape the same as the rest? What makes it different?

3D Shapes:
We have slowly transitioned into 3D shapes as well.  We started off by recognizing 3D shapes in our world: cube, cone, pyramid, sphere, cylinder and rectangular prism.  Click HERE for 3D Shapes Song.  Questions we have started to ask ourselves:
What shapes can you stack?
What shapes can you slide?
Which shapes can you roll?
How many sides does this shape have?
How many corners does this shape have?
Questions?  Contact Lou at



Meridith's Math Class - The Penny Group
The penny group has been having so much fun learning! We started using countable objects to develop the association between the physical representation of the number, the number symbol, and the number word.  Besides counting the objects in a set, and crating a set with a given number of objects, we have also been  differentiating between numbers of objects in sets. This is a skill that forms a basis for number comparison. We have just begun work on chapter two which is all about number bonds. Number bonds can be used to show parts and the whole. This part-whole analysis forms the basis for the concept of adding two numbers to get another number. We use what we have learned in previous chapters about counting numbers, written numbers, and number recognition to scaffold our learning in chapter two. We are excited to learn about math each day!  Questions?  Contact Meridith at

Conference Sign Up Reminder

Conferences are this Tuesday and Friday (No School Day) and next Tuesday.  Please be sure to click HERE to sign up for a 30 minute conference slot.  So I can plan and prepare accordingly, all conferences must be schedule by this Wednesday, November 12th.  During this time we will talk about your child's progress throughout the Fall semester and continued areas of focus.  I look forward to meeting with you.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

New Class Website!

The Cottontail Rabbits NEW website is LIVE!  Willowwind teachers are thrilled to provide our families with websites once again.  Please visit our website to learn more about our Kindergarten program and your child's Kindergarten experience.

Our new webiste web address is:

The tabs at the top of the website allow you to look around.  Website tabs include:
•  Welcome Tab - This home page provides you a link to our classroom blog:

•  Calendar Tab - Take a look here for an updated calendar with classroom specific and school wide events.

•  Curriculum Tab - Here you can find updated summaries of our Kindergarten curriculums as well as links to additional information.

•  Photos Tab - Look here for monthly photo albums that highlight our fun.  You will find albums for August, September, and October.

•  Websites Tab - This page is currently under construction but will provide you links to other classes' websites and blogs.  It will also provide links to some of my favorite educational websites for Kindergarteners to use.

•  Contact Tab - A built-in contact page as an additional way to get ahold of me.

Enjoy the website!  I am so excited to have an additional resource for you and an additional way to share information with you.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

In the meantime, enjoy these fun photos from our day of Halloween fun!  More photos from Halloween and all of October can be found in the Oct 2014 photo album.

A class full of fun, sweet, scary, spooky costumes!

A sweet skeleton and her friend Malificent!

Reading Buddies

Captain American Iron Man checking out the pumpkin characters.

A cottontail rabbit and her cute monkey man!

November Reminders

Please pay careful attention the following reminders regarding important information and upcoming events.

1)  Head Lice
The Cottontail Rabbit classroom as a confirmed case of head lice.  In order to help be sure that our classroom space remains lice free all students brought home blankets on Monday.  Please leave all blankets at home until next Monday when you are free to bring back a blanket for your child to use at Rest Time.  In addition, I encourage you to wash all hats, gloves, jackets, and swap out changes of clothes found in your child's cubby.  Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.

2)  Outdoor Gear
Our morning recesses are cold!!  Please be sure your child is prepared to play outside in this chilly Fall weather.

3)  Pick-Up Time
Our parking lot can get busy during school dismissal time.  During this time, please be sure to pull all the way up to the curb for pick-up.  I am happy to provide curbside service and help your child get in your car as we happily say hello and they eagerly await to tell you about their day.  If you need to take time to chat with me for longer than a minute or so PLEASE feel free to do so - Willowwind just asks that you park in a spot so we can adequately discuss needs without disrupting the flow of traffic. The red painted curb is a pick-up / loading zone only.  Thank you for your help in expediting the pick-up process.

4)  Michelle's November Absences
Wednesday, November 5th - Friday, November 7th
Thursday, November 20th and Friday, November 21st
I will be out of the classroom periodically during the month of November.  This week, I have the opportunity to travel to Indianapolis for ISACS annual conference where I am thrilled to hear Angela Duckworth speak on the topic of Grit.  New and familiar faces will be here to help keep classroom routine while I am away.  Please help your child prepare for my absences and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

5)  November's Friday Parent Coffee
THIS Friday, November 7th
This Friday, stay after drop off as Willowwind parent and Iowa Chapter Executive Director of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Tess Barker, JD/PhD, will be our guest speaker.  Here presentation, "The First 2000 Days: How Early Childhood Experiences Impact Lifelong Health and Well Being", will describe the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study and provide an overview of how early brain development is shaped by ACES.  It will also describe possible reposes to ACEs, including the importance of fostering resiliency and grit in our children.  What a fabulous coffee topic!

6)  Garden Clean Up Day
Saturday, November 8th   9:00
Mike Fallon, Monarch parent, will be joining with Scott Koepke from New Pi to lead a Garden Clean-Up Day.  Parents and children are invited to meet at WW to work together to prepare the garden for winter.  Mike and coot will be teaching about mulching, care of the soil, and planning for next year's garden - all tips we can use with our own home gardens.  Volunteer hours can be logged in the volunteer log book to complete your family service agreement.  Dress for the weather, bring gloves, hand tools, and a water bottle.  Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

7)  Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, November 11th; Friday, November 14th (No School Day); Tuesday, November 18th
Please be sure to click HERE to sign up for a 30 minute conference slot.  During this time we will talk about your child's progress throughout the Fall semester and continued areas of focus.  I look forward to meeting with you.

8) Field Trip to Hickory Hill Park
Thursday, November 13th - ALL DAY
On Thursday, November 13th, at 8:15, families are asked to drop-off their children at the Bloomington Street entrance to Hickory Hill Park.  Teachers will arrive by for BSP (charges apply) and parents can begin regular school day drop-off AT HICKORY HILL PARK at 8:00 when no BSP charges will apply.  BSP AND the WHOLE SCHOOL DAY will occur at Hickory Hill Park.  At the end of our school day, students will be at the Bloomington Street pavilion in the park for pick-up.  Please plan accordingly for a change in your pick-up routine on this day.  Teachers will drive the students who need ASP to Willowwind at that time.  Again, please plan ahead for this unique day and communicate with your classroom teacher if your child will need to go to ASP at Willowwind.  All students still at Hickory Hill Park at 2:15 will be counted for and charged accordingly for ASP.

9)  Scholastic Book Orders
Due:  Friday, November 14th
To shop online:
2)  First time visitors:  SET UP an account for your family - Enter class activation code NCNYY
3)  SHOP from a variety of inexpensive book.  November is a perfect time to stock up on gifts!
4)  SUBMIT your order online or to me by Friday, November 14th to help earn FREE books for our classroom.
5)  Don't forget to use your TWO FREE book coupons that were sent home last week.

10)  November ICPL Field Trip
Wednesday, November 19th   9:30 - 12:15
Please be sure your child has their library card.  October library books are also due on the 19th of November.

11)  Thanksgiving Feast
Tuesday, November 25th
More Information to Follow

12)  Thanksgiving Break - No School / No BASP
Wednesday, November 26th - Friday, November 28th