Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November Reminders

Please pay careful attention the following reminders regarding important information and upcoming events.

1)  Head Lice
The Cottontail Rabbit classroom as a confirmed case of head lice.  In order to help be sure that our classroom space remains lice free all students brought home blankets on Monday.  Please leave all blankets at home until next Monday when you are free to bring back a blanket for your child to use at Rest Time.  In addition, I encourage you to wash all hats, gloves, jackets, and swap out changes of clothes found in your child's cubby.  Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.

2)  Outdoor Gear
Our morning recesses are cold!!  Please be sure your child is prepared to play outside in this chilly Fall weather.

3)  Pick-Up Time
Our parking lot can get busy during school dismissal time.  During this time, please be sure to pull all the way up to the curb for pick-up.  I am happy to provide curbside service and help your child get in your car as we happily say hello and they eagerly await to tell you about their day.  If you need to take time to chat with me for longer than a minute or so PLEASE feel free to do so - Willowwind just asks that you park in a spot so we can adequately discuss needs without disrupting the flow of traffic. The red painted curb is a pick-up / loading zone only.  Thank you for your help in expediting the pick-up process.

4)  Michelle's November Absences
Wednesday, November 5th - Friday, November 7th
Thursday, November 20th and Friday, November 21st
I will be out of the classroom periodically during the month of November.  This week, I have the opportunity to travel to Indianapolis for ISACS annual conference where I am thrilled to hear Angela Duckworth speak on the topic of Grit.  New and familiar faces will be here to help keep classroom routine while I am away.  Please help your child prepare for my absences and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

5)  November's Friday Parent Coffee
THIS Friday, November 7th
This Friday, stay after drop off as Willowwind parent and Iowa Chapter Executive Director of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Tess Barker, JD/PhD, will be our guest speaker.  Here presentation, "The First 2000 Days: How Early Childhood Experiences Impact Lifelong Health and Well Being", will describe the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study and provide an overview of how early brain development is shaped by ACES.  It will also describe possible reposes to ACEs, including the importance of fostering resiliency and grit in our children.  What a fabulous coffee topic!

6)  Garden Clean Up Day
Saturday, November 8th   9:00
Mike Fallon, Monarch parent, will be joining with Scott Koepke from New Pi to lead a Garden Clean-Up Day.  Parents and children are invited to meet at WW to work together to prepare the garden for winter.  Mike and coot will be teaching about mulching, care of the soil, and planning for next year's garden - all tips we can use with our own home gardens.  Volunteer hours can be logged in the volunteer log book to complete your family service agreement.  Dress for the weather, bring gloves, hand tools, and a water bottle.  Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

7)  Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, November 11th; Friday, November 14th (No School Day); Tuesday, November 18th
Please be sure to click HERE to sign up for a 30 minute conference slot.  During this time we will talk about your child's progress throughout the Fall semester and continued areas of focus.  I look forward to meeting with you.

8) Field Trip to Hickory Hill Park
Thursday, November 13th - ALL DAY
On Thursday, November 13th, at 8:15, families are asked to drop-off their children at the Bloomington Street entrance to Hickory Hill Park.  Teachers will arrive by for BSP (charges apply) and parents can begin regular school day drop-off AT HICKORY HILL PARK at 8:00 when no BSP charges will apply.  BSP AND the WHOLE SCHOOL DAY will occur at Hickory Hill Park.  At the end of our school day, students will be at the Bloomington Street pavilion in the park for pick-up.  Please plan accordingly for a change in your pick-up routine on this day.  Teachers will drive the students who need ASP to Willowwind at that time.  Again, please plan ahead for this unique day and communicate with your classroom teacher if your child will need to go to ASP at Willowwind.  All students still at Hickory Hill Park at 2:15 will be counted for and charged accordingly for ASP.

9)  Scholastic Book Orders
Due:  Friday, November 14th
To shop online:
1)  VISIT scholastic.com/readingclub
2)  First time visitors:  SET UP an account for your family - Enter class activation code NCNYY
3)  SHOP from a variety of inexpensive book.  November is a perfect time to stock up on gifts!
4)  SUBMIT your order online or to me by Friday, November 14th to help earn FREE books for our classroom.
5)  Don't forget to use your TWO FREE book coupons that were sent home last week.

10)  November ICPL Field Trip
Wednesday, November 19th   9:30 - 12:15
Please be sure your child has their library card.  October library books are also due on the 19th of November.

11)  Thanksgiving Feast
Tuesday, November 25th
More Information to Follow

12)  Thanksgiving Break - No School / No BASP
Wednesday, November 26th - Friday, November 28th

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