Physical Education - Karen
Physical Education at Willowwind keeps kids moving for fitness and brain power! Did you know that your child is physically active most of their PE class? For forty-five minutes twice week, they are running, jumping, chasing, fleeing, kicking, throwing, and more. My objective is to spend every minute we have together in PE engaged in physical activity. Why is being physically active in PE class such a high priority? Studies continue to prove that physical activity increases fitness and brain power. Physical education benefits the whole child- their body health and their brain health. If you are looking for your child’s success in the classroom, it’s worth considering how physically active they are when they are not in class.
Check out this link to a blog from the “New York Times” that summarizes the current research connecting physical activity and increased thinking and learning capabilities.
How does our PE class keep kids physically active at Willowwind? We accomplish this task by an established and predictable daily PE class structure. Class starts with a quick, easy and active game that raises their heart beat. Next, students take on individualized and varied fitness challenges. Afterwards, students learn and practice motor and sport skills. Class ends with a game that applies the skills of the day in a game. My strategy to keep kids moving in PE is to plan fun physical activities for the entire 45 minutes. This 45 minute block of physical activity prepares them for the learning tasks they have back in their classrooms.
In October, the focus of our motor and sport skills lessons in PE have been throwing and catching, kicking, bowling, rolling, bean-bag toss and catch and soccer-related skills.
Students participated in the Healthiest State walk sponsored by Live Healthy Iowa, a program of the Iowa Sports Foundation. Live Healthy Iowa is a health initiative that brings together friends, families, businesses and communities in team-based wellness challenges designed to promote positive lifestyle change. Willowwind took on the challenge by participating in the Healthiest State Walk. Our participation moves Iowa one step closer toward the goal of making Iowa the healthiest state in the nation.
In November, our motor and sport skill lessons will be centered on gymnastics, rhythmic movement, long rope jumping, parachute and fitness. Students will learn about muscles, bones and nutrition, too. We will accomplish all our PE learning objectives while being engaged in physical activity. And while physically active in PE, we are also preparing their brain for learning their classroom objectives.
How can you help keep your kids physically active at home and increase brain power? Set a goal of one hour of physical activity a day together. Turn off the TV and computer games. Play together as a family. Encourage playdates with friends and neighbors that center around being physically active. Sign up for an afterschool club or recreation sport. Take advantage of the weekends to fit in a fun family physical activity, like a hike, trip to a park or playground, or a bike ride.
Together, we will increase the health of the body and brain of your child by being physically active!
Karen Robbins
Visual Arts - Ryan
We teachers thought it would be best to postpone Partner Book illustrations toward the end of the school year, so that students have time to develop their skills and grow with their Partner Family. Because of this, we started our Ceramics block on Wednesday, Oct. 22.
Kindergartners learned that Ceramics is working with clay bodies. At Willowwind, we work with Earthenware clay (or “Earth clay.”) They learned that Earthenware clay comes from the ground, and needs water to work with. Students will learn some of the drying process of earthenware clay, such as wet clay, bone-dry, and bisque. The kiddos will see the kiln, to better understand the process of firing bone-dry clay.
Students will learn three hand-building techniques throughout this block – pinching, coiling, and slab-building. I plan to show some Native American pottery and sculptures to both educate and inspire the kiddos.
Clay will not permanently damage any clothing, but it is mud. As always, please wear appropriate clothing on Art days. Also, with the weather getting colder, you may want to apply some hand lotion when your child gets home to prevent skin irritation.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Music - Katherine
Check out Katherine's blog for updates at:
Spanish - Megan
En la clase de español, we continued to sing songs by José Luis Orozco. Most of the niños now know “Buenos dias” y “Chocolate” by heart, and they are learning the words to “El barquito chiquito” (The Little Boat) and “El tambor” (The Drum). They love modeling “chiquito” with their hand motions and drumming in various ways. I love their broad smiles as they sing. In honor of “Fire Safety” in October, we read “Fire, Fuego! Brave Bomberos!” I was surprised by all the vocabulary words they were able to learn! After some practice, many of them can say the following vocabulary words: bombero, capitán, fuego, agua, gato. Ask them to see what they remember! We even did mini-skits to practice the vocabulary words. Feliz otoño!
En la clase de español, we continued to sing songs by José Luis Orozco. Most of the niños now know “Buenos dias” y “Chocolate” by heart, and they are learning the words to “El barquito chiquito” (The Little Boat) and “El tambor” (The Drum). They love modeling “chiquito” with their hand motions and drumming in various ways. I love their broad smiles as they sing. In honor of “Fire Safety” in October, we read “Fire, Fuego! Brave Bomberos!” I was surprised by all the vocabulary words they were able to learn! After some practice, many of them can say the following vocabulary words: bombero, capitán, fuego, agua, gato. Ask them to see what they remember! We even did mini-skits to practice the vocabulary words. Feliz otoño!
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