Hello. Just a few quick thoughts to send your way at the start of our week. Stay warm!
Library Card / Library Books
Be sure that your child brings their library card to school THIS Wednesday, November 19th when we will be traveling to the library. Also, October library books are due this day so feel free to have your child bring last month's books with them to return when we get to the library.
While on the topic of reading and books, also note that our Scholastic Book Order window has been extended to this Wednesday. Please feel free to order until then if you would still like. First time orderers, don't forget to use our activation code NCNYY. I still have some FREE book coupons available. Click HERE to place an order.
Homework - Thanksgiving Break
Please note that there will be no spelling homework this week or next week due to Thanksgiving Break. Upon our return from Thanksgiving Break, we will begin new Spelling sorts with most of our groups starting new spelling units. In addition, please also note that there will not be a Math Homework packet next week due to our short week. Instead, students will be taking home a fun Thanksgiving Break Homework packet to complete. Enjoy the various activities that it holds and enjoy the time with your family. Remember, there is no school or BASP next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Thanksgiving Feast
THANK YOU to all who so very quickly volunteered to help out with our Feast supplies. Your prompt replies are so very much appreciated. We are still in need of tables for our student & teacher feast and one parent volunteer to help with serving and cleaning. Please click HERE if you are able to help out in those ways. Also, please be sure to have all necessary supplies to school by THIS Friday, November 21st (tables can come to school on Monday the 24th). I will not be here on Friday, but will leave a note with the sub to expect the supplies. Dry goods and supplies can be stored in the Project Room & refrigerated goods should be labeled, "Cottontails" and be placed in the Kitchen's refrigerator. Many thanks again for your help and support! We are so excited for the fun!
Toys from Home
Please note that up until this point in our school year all toys from home must remain at home. Most often, Kindergarteners are welcome to bring a toy to share with their classmates during recess time. I enjoy this opportunity as encourages sharing and cooperative play. An important rule is that these toys from home remain in backpacks or cubbies until recess time. Unfortunately, our Kindergarten friends have not been able to abide by this important rule and because of it we have discussed the importance of following directions and trust. As a class we have discussed that all toys must stay at home until we can trust in each other that directions and rules will be followed. Please be sure your child keeps all toys at home until this occurs. When it does, I will happily communicate the chance to bring toys back to school home to you. Thank you for understanding.
Outdoor Gear
Burr!!! It is cold out there! Today we were forced inside due to the blustering wind; however, if the wind chill remains above 0 we will go outside. Our little bodies need the time to run around and enjoy the snow. Because of this be sure that your child has all necessary supplies to stay warm outside - jacket, snow pants, hats, gloves, and boots (and an indoor pair of shoes, too) are necessary supplies.
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