Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Quiet Observations - Independent Workers

Quiet Observation 11:
It seems that every year, the warmer weather that arrives with Spring brings Kindergartners who are ready to become independent workers. At any given moment, you can hear a busy buzz of activity throughout the classroom. Using our new found love for To-Do lists students are able to work their way through the activities our lists present and complete them at a pace that is appropriate for their working ability. If you could be a fly on the wall one afternoon, you may see friends:

~ add words to our digraph charts
~ read Weekly Words books and complete the respective activities
~ enhance fine motor skills by completing Handwriting workbook pages and/ or weave yarn together on our cardboard looms
~ work on Kid Spelling through authentic writing activities like making birthday and thank you cards
~ wash hands after using oil pastels, shaving cream, glue, and food coloring to create our spring tree trunks and branches
~ ask to free read or work on homework from their folder because they have completed all the other activities on the To-Do List
~ sing our new Magic C Rap (Have you heard it at home? These kids know how to groove!)

And all this amazing work is happening while experiencing the joy of our Sing Along playlist!

The hum of energy in this classroom is contagious. It so amazing to watch them take such pride in their work. I am truly proud of the independent workers that they are becoming!

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