Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Specials Requests

Ms. Danielle's Request
"NEEDED ITEM: We are having Spanish Lunch outside as much as possible now. We would love a large sarape, colorful Spanish-themed beach towel or other colorful fabric to mark our lunch spot on the lawn. If your family has something they would like to loan for the season or donate to the school, please let me know. ¡Muchas gracias!"

Ms. Christine's Request
"I need a Willowwind family with a truck to pick up a load of compost and mulch from the city dump.  There is no need to make an appointment or call ahead.  Just drive out there and ask.  It can be delivered anywhere near the garden. We can't plant our garden without this ground cover.  Contact me with questions.  Thanks!!"

Don't forget to check out their blog updates by clicking on the Specials News tab under the Newsletter tab. Thanks so much!
Ms. Danielle and Ms. Christine are in need of your help. Please email them directly if you can help out.

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