Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dia de Los Muertos

A message from our Spanish teacher!

This year we will be celebrating Day of the Dead as a Willowwind Community in a slightly different way. Many of the students have learned the significance and cultural practices of the Mexican holiday from past years at Willowwind. This year students will apply that knowledge to their own lives. Instead of making sugar skulls during a GD this year, students will each make a paper flower on October 30th. Students will attach a tag/leaf to their flower in remembrance of one special person in their life (or their family’s life) who has passed on. (As an alternative option students may choose a popular historical figure who has died rather than a family member or friend.) On each flower tag/leaf, students will write the name of the person and their relationship to that person in Spanish: abuela (grandma), amigo (friend), vecino (neighbor), etc.. During a special GD on Friday, November 2,  students will say who their flower is for and place it in a vase at the center of the circle. Please talk with your child before October 30th about who they might remember with their flower. We will will talking about Day of the Dead in Spanish class this week and next.

Families are welcome to join us from 12:15 - 12:45 for a special Dia de los Muertos Group Discussion on November 2nd. If you would like to VOLUNTEER to make “pan de muerto” (a special sweet bread with anise) you may pick up a copy of the recipe at the Front Desk. There are also many versions available online. One site is:
We will share the "pan de muerto" at the end of the GD celebration.

Also, we will be setting up the altar on Thursday, November 1st, after school in the GD area. Please join us!!

Muchas gracias,

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