Thursday, October 4, 2012

We are Strong Writers!

The Cottontails are excited about their new writing routine. This crew is so eager to write. We have recently moved from transcribed writing (a Kinder verbally gives me their thoughts and I write them down) to "post-it note" writing (a Kinder verbally gives me their thoughts, I write them on a post-it note and they transfer the writing to their own page). They are so excited to write! They take their time and are proud of their work. Through "post-it note" writing, we are working on creating complete thoughts and using "finger spacing" (one finger between words and two fingers between sentence). This week, I introduced writing groups. Similar to reading groups, I meet with writing groups twice week allowing your child to participate in a more differentiated, one-on-one writing experience. They are excited to work on individual and small group writing projects. Next week, students will be receiving their writing notebooks - a special place for our "seeds" (ideas) and writing pieces. We also begin to focus on finishing our sentences with a period. I am so excited for the growth that will occur. Continue to help your child with their growing writing confidence. Use "post-it note" writing at home or encourage their own kid spelling with their writing. Here's to strong writing!



"Post-it Note" writing and finger spacing!

Sometimes we write on clipboards…

…sometimes we write on chalk...

…and sometimes we write in shaving cream!

Ohh!! Don't forget to look to our September 2012 photo album for photos from the other side of Literacy - reading!

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