Friday, October 12, 2012

MORE Volunteer Opportunities

The Cottontails are in need of your help! Email me if you are interested.

Applesauce Apples
We are looking for some more apples to go with our Honey Creek Apples for our upcoming cooking activity. If you are interested in bring a dozen or so apples let me know. We plan to make applesauce so Jonathan, Gala, Golden Delicious, McIntosh seem to be the best varieties to choose from. This opportunity can earn you 30 minutes towards your service hours.

Play Dough
The Cottontails love playing with play dough. If you would like to make play dough for the class to use let me know. I have a simple at-home recipe you can use. This opportunity can earn you about 60 minutes towards service hours.

Book Doctor
We love the books in our classroom library. Some have received much love. I am looking for a parent to give some of our tattered books some TLC. If you are interested let me know. I can send the books and repair tape home with your child to fix and work on at home. This opportunity can earn you about 60 minutes towards your service hours.

Halloween Snack
We are in the process of planning a fun Halloween for our Willowwind friends. More information will follow regarding specifics but we are looking for parent volunteers to help supply some yummy ingredients for our Fruit Candy Corn snack. We are looking for mandarin oranges, pineapples, and vanilla yogurt. If you are interested in providing ingredients let me know. I can let you know quantities when you email. This opportunity can earn you 30 minutes towards your service hours.

Assembling Portfolios
The Cottontails have writing fever! We have completed quite a few wonderful writing pieces and are in need of assembling our portfolios to display some of our written work. I am looking for a parent that can come in to label 3-ring binders, 3-hole punch our writing samples, and put the work in the child's designated writing portfolio (their 3-ring binder). Check out the Signup Genius posting, or email me if you are interested. This opportunity can be completed at school and can earn you one to two hours for your service hours.

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