Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Volunteer Opportunties: Harvest Fest Volunteers NEEDED!

We are still in need of a handful of volunteers to help with the Cottontails' Harvest Fest game THIS Saturday, October 6th. Please go to SignUpGenius to volunteer your time this Saturday to run our class game 1:45-3:15pm. Our class is in charge of the Rainbow Penny Toss. We are still in need of parents to run all 15 minute game shifts (there are four shifts to choose from). There will be set-up and how to play instructions at our game. Don't forget! These 15 minute time shifts can count towards your volunteer hours. We are also in need of small black plastic cauldrons (can be found anywhere Halloween supplies are sold) and and stickers for small game prizes. Thank you to Danielle's and Libby's families for their supplies already donated. It is MUCH appreciated; however, we are still in need of a few more supplies.

To sign up:
1. Go to
2. Click on "Find a Sign Up"
(There is a convenient "Volunteer" button on the left, near the top of our website's Welcome page)
3. Type in: - click "Search"
4. Click "Harvest Festival"
5. Enter the password - click "Submit"
(See Carly's Weekly Note for the SignUpGenius password or feel free to send me an email asking for it).
6. Click "Sign Up to choose a 15 minute time shift or supply donation under "Cottontails Rabbits Game".
7. To complete sign up, follow the on screen instructions and click "Sign Up".

Thank you in advance for your help and support. This game and these opportunities cannot be completed with out your help and support!

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