Monday, December 31, 2012
Website Updated - Dec/Jan Newsletter & Photo Albums
~ December/January Newsletter
This newsletter is full of new information. Take a look!
~ December Photo Album
Check out pictures from the month of December. While these photos highlight some of our day-to-day activities, you will find that the newly added Random Acts of Kindness photo album displays photos from our RAK preparations and adventures. Don't forget you can save these photos for your family's collection by dragging them to your desktop or right clicking and selecting "Save Image As…" or "Add Image to iPhoto Library" for Mac users.
~ Random Acts of Kindness Photo Album - (album titled RAK '12)
Take a look at all of our Random Acts of Kindness adventures. There are some videos, too, of your child reading and/or interacting with our new friends at Oaknoll Retirement Community. It has been a so rewarding watching your child embrace the importance of showing kindness to others. I am grateful for the wonderful experience and look forward to the continuation of kindness following Winter Break.
~ Welcome Page's Upcoming Events and Calendar Page
On the right hand side of the Welcome page, you will find an updated list of upcoming events (through Spring Break). The Calendar page has also been updated! Mark your calendars!
New Year Reminders
1) ICPL Books Due TOMORROW , Wednesday, January 2nd
Our December field trip's library books are due tomorrow, Wednesday, January 2nd. Please be sure to return your child's library books on time so they don't accrue fines. Many cards have accumulated some fines. Please be sure to check your child's library card fine status to ensure they can check out books on our next field trip to the library (January date to be determined.)
2) School begins at 8:15.
Remember, the school day begins promptly at 8:15. Learning begins the moment your child walks into the classroom. Their punctuality is an important part in establishing a concrete school day routine in Kindergarten and the school years to follow. Prompt arrival is an important trait to build in your child for success inside school, and out, for many years to come. For your morning convenience, the classroom opens up as early as 8:00 to help with drop-off routines and work schedules. If this helps your family with an early or on-time arrival please take advantage of this 15 minute window. BSP (Before School Program) is also available. BSP goes from 7:30 - 8:00 am. Please see Amber at the Front Desk for pricing information.
3) Outdoor winter clothing is needed.
The snow is here and we will continue to go outside as long as the air temperature remains above 0 degrees. Please be sure your child is prepared for outdoor play time when they return to school on Thursday, January 3rd. The following items are a MUST for outdoor play:
~ winter jacket
~ snow pants
~ boots
~ hats
~ gloves
Please be sure your child is able to safely and warmly play in Iowa's Winter elements. If your child does not have their boots or snow pants they will have to remain on the concrete sidewalk for the duration of recess. Boots are needed for outside and shoes (or slippers) are needed for inside. To protect Willowwind's 80+ year-old wood floors all boots must be removed when entering the building. Convenient boot cubbies (painted by 2010-2011 Willowwinders) are located by the North Recess Door for storage convenience.
4) Please help your child with all nightly homework.
Homework is expected to be completed each night. The homework your child receives is meant to help them review concepts learned at school while at home. This homework should be a review for your child rather than an impossible challenge. If your child is having difficulties with their homework please let me know. You should not have to teach your child the concepts at hand. Rather they should thrive on the ability to be your teacher.
The completion of nightly homework is also important in preparing your child for activities that we complete during the day. Cutting, and initialing, of spelling sorts should always be done at home. In doing so, this provides your child with the necessary supplies ready to complete school sort activities. If your child is having to cut sorts at school this task is taking away from the new activities they could be completing to strengthen their area of word study focus. Here you can find a link to our class's weekly, at-home Word Study Routine. You can also find this link on the right hand side of the website's Welcome page for quick and easy access.
At the return from Winter Break your child will receive their much anticipated Reading Tool Kit (see the Dec/Jan Newsletter and upcoming blog post for more information) will be handed out. Please be sure your child is using the tools within the kit during their nightly at-home reading time. Your child will also be taking home sight word flashcards and basic math fact flashcards to add to their homework routine (see the Dec/Jan Newsletter and upcoming blog post for more information). This is a great time to add this into their nightly routine as the students are showing eagerness in learning these concepts, and their current homework routine should all ready be consistently in place.
As a quick breakdown of timing your child should spend 10 minutes on nightly spelling and 10 minutes on math packet and math facts. Your family should also establish a nightly reading routine that includes practicing sight words (see more information to come), has your child reading to you, and you reading to your child. The amount of time your family focuses on reading is up to you; at least 10 minutes is ideal as your child has demonstrated the ability to build their reading stamina to 10+ minutes within the classroom.
As always, please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns about your child's homework. I'd be happy to discuss. Thank you for your teamwork in building your child's academic success!
December's Random Acts of Kindness
Our RAK Wall - Help us make it grow!
WW RAK - Holding doors open.
WW RAK - Delivering secret messages, puzzles, & coloring sheets to the other classes.
WW RAK - Delivering message & sweets to all WW families' mailboxes.
Preparing for RAK Day - Baking treats!
Preparing for RAK Day - Filling treat bags for UI college students.
RAK Day - A candy bar for our IC Transit - Towncrest bus driver.
RAK Day - Delivering treats to the ICFD.
RAK Day - Delivering treats to the ICPD.
RAK Day - Waving and giving a friendly hello to those we see.
Student Quote: "I love making people happy! Watch this (waves to gentleman). See! He just smiled!"
RAK Day - Delivering treats to our favorite ICPL children's librarians.
RAK Day - Handing out treats and "good luck" wishes to college students studying for finals.
Student Quote" Did you see their faces when I gave them a baggie? I think I made their day!"
RAK Day - Delivering treats to the UI Med School.
RAK Day - Delivering treats to the College of Public Health's IT Department
RAK Day - A group photo!
Oaknoll RAK Field Trip - Reading to our new friends!
Oaknoll Field Trip RAK - Reading to our new friends!
I must say that our Oaknoll field trip is one of the highlights of my career. It was the most amazing day, and I was so proud of our kiddos! The morning leading up to our field trip was full of pre-Winter Break eagerness, excitement, and sillies; however, the moment we arrived at Oaknoll the students showed the most beautiful level of respect and admiration for our elder friends. We all know that a new environment can make anyone nervous (especially a young five- or six-year old), but the WW Kindergarteners swallowed any nervousness or apprehension the may have had and were incredible guests. They read beautifully, interacted respectfully, were incredibly gracious with their words and actions, and a true bond was formed between young and old. I stood in the middle of the room and was moved to tears as I watched your child so beautifully interact with the elder residents. This, I must say, was the first time an educational interaction has brought me to such tears. Thank you for your wonderful child. This field trip was truly amazing. It was clear that we had made the day or month (maybe even the week or year!) of those elderly we visited. It was the most amazing experience and I am hopeful that we can make a return trip to Oaknoll in the coming months.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
RAK Donations Needed!
Random Acts of Kindness Donations Needed!
We will be traveling downtown on Wednesday, December 12th to perform many random acts of kindness. We are in need of supplies to help spread the kindness. If you can donate any of the following please click HERE and sign up. Please bring all donations by Monday, December 10th! Thank you so much for your help and support!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Volunteer Opportunity: Drivers for Oaknoll Field Trip
All Kindergarteners will need to leave a booster seat to travel on this field trip.
Thank you so much! We are looking forward to a morning of kindness!
PS: Volunteers are still needed to help with partner book writing. Thank you!
A Message from the Burrowing Owls
The Burrowing Owls Class
A Message from Ms. Danielle
Conejito and Cottontail students will share this song and tell us their favorite vegetables during GD on Tuesday, December 11. As the song is a little fast, we will only sing the chorus. I encourage you to view the video together and practice the lyrics with your Spanish student. And have fun with the CHA - CHA - CHAS!
PS: This link will be added to our new "Grooveshark-Music subpage". Enjoy!
2013 Spring Break Programs
Looking for Spring Break staycation activities for your child?Willowwind is hosting a week of theatrical and musical adventures for PreK-6th grade. Grow your creativity with us! |
Winter / Spring 2013 After School Enrichment Programs
We are excited to announce the list of spring after school enrichment programs for preschool through 6th grade students. Learners can participate in classes as diverse as yoga and Latin! |
This semester, classes are offered in two, six-week sessions. |
Look to this |
Enrollment is open to all preschool through sixth grade students in the Iowa City community. Invite friends, family members, coworkers, neighbors. To enroll, print off and fill out this |
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Website Updated - Nov/Dec Newsletter & More
~ November / December Newsletter
This newsletter is full of new information. Take a look! In the Literacy section you will find information on a volunteer opportunity to help with Partner Book writing. Let me know if you are interested in helping out.
~ November Photo Album
Check out pictures from our the month of November. More photos to come as I continue to upload photos from my Nikon. I recently cleaned out my phone's camera, so check out updates in the October Photo Album, too! Don't forget you can save these photos for your family's collection by dragging them to your desktop or right clicking and selecting "Save Image As…" or "Add Image to iPhoto Library" for Mac users.
~ Groove Shark Sub Page
Check out our favorite songs. We play these songs at Sing Along, in Morning Meeting, during Centers, while working, all the time! You can use the above link to find the tab or by visiting the Technology's SubPage under the Curriculum Tab. Here you will find two playlists - our Sing Along playlist and a playlist with some of our classroom favorites. Here, and on the subpage, I have also included a link to our magical clean up song! I encourage you to play this music at home. Your kiddo will love it! Enjoy!
1) Library Books Due December 19
Library books checked out on our recent field trip are due on Wednesday, December 19th. Also, a number of friends had overdue books and accruing fines. I thought I'd let you know in case your child's card is one of them. When fines reach $10 it prevents card users from checking out books. Double check to see if you have outstanding fines with the library.
2) WW's Inclement Weather Policy
Willowwind School follows Iowa City Community School District for school cancellations, early dismissal, or late states due to inclement weather (unless in cases of extreme heat). In the event of a late start or early dismissal due to inclement weather there will be no BASP. School cancellations are posted as soon as possible on KWWL and KCRG media. Go to their websites to sign up for text message alerts - the easiest way to receive cancellation notices.
Upcoming Events:
1) Kindergarten Transition Night - Thursday, December 6th - 6:30 pm
Do you have friends, family members, neighbors, coworkers with an upcoming age eligible Kindergartener for the 2013-2014 school year? Please invite them to our upcoming Kindergarten Transition Night THIS Thursday, December 6th at 6:30. Here they can learn more about Willowwind's kindergarten program and small classroom environment. Prospective parents will earn about the Kindergarten curriculum , Spanish instruction, and outdoor classroom initiatives. Child care is available for toilet-trained children. If you know of interested families, please have them RSVP for the event by December 5 to Amy Conyers at or by calling 319.338.6061. Thanks for spreading the word!
2) Holiday Friday Parent Coffee - Friday, December 7th - 8:15 am
Willowwind Friends and Families (WFF) invites each and every parent to their special Holiday Parent Coffee NEXT Friday, December 7th. In addition to coffee and holiday treats, Willowwind parent Rachel Weissman will speak. Rachel is a licensed acupuncturist who will be offering tips for decreasing stress during the holiday season. Plan to join WFF for coffee, conversation, and relaxation.
Random Acts of Kindness
Giving: (verb)
Merriam-Webster's Definition:
1. Freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone); hand over to: "they gave her water".
2. Bestow (love, affection, or other emotional support): "his parents gave him encouragement"; "he was very giving and supportive".
Kindergarteners' Definition:
When you fill someones bucket! When you help someone in need. When you smile at someone.
Kindness: (noun)
Merriam-Webster's Definition:
1. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
2. A kind act.
Kindergarteners' Definition:
Not thinking of yourself. Helping someone up. Doing things for others.
This holiday season we will be performing random acts of kindness both in our community and at Willowwind. How will we make this happen? Here are a few of our the ideas we generated at school:
• Leave nice notes on cars in parking lots to let others know we care.
• Smile at someone.
• Give a compliment.
• Buy a gift card and hand it to someone going into the store or restaurant. Make sure to say "Random act of kindness! Enjoy!"
• Tell your family you love them.
• Help load grocery's into an elder's car.
• Return a lone shopping cart.
• GIve away old clothes and toys to people in need.
• Hold a door for a stream of people.
• Share coins. Put quarters in parking meters, put coins in bell ringers' red cauldrons, pay for someone else's drink or food in a drive through lane, attach a baggie of coins to a vending machine.
FRIDAY'S HOMEWORK: On Friday, I sent home a note with an attached green notecard. Use this notecard to journal your child's first act of kindness completed over the weekend. Have them write down what your family did. If you can, attach a picture (or email me the picture) to go with the green notecard. Please return the green notecard by Monday, December 3rd. We will use these notecards to present our ideas to our older friends as we lead GD on Monday. We are eager to spread the kindness word. If you complete more than on act of kindness have your child journal the additional acts on other notecards. Don't forget to add (or email) a picture to go with each act of kindness. Continue to do this as your child competes a variety of acts of kindness throughout the month of December.
We will create a Random Act of Kindness bulletin board to display all of our notecards and photos. With our RAK's on display, we hope the urge to complete acts of kindness will spread across our Willowwind community and beyond. Throughout December, we will be completing acts of kindness at school as well. Look out for upcoming blog posts with more information. We hope to plan a field trip or two to spread our kindness with a variety of community of organizations.
Here you will find a few links of other families that have completed random acts of kindness in their community. Click the links to to find additional ideas. Really, the ideas are endless - there are a variety of free and inexpensive ideas at our fingertips!
Kindness Ideas: Click HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Cottontail families have already emailed me with acts of kindness completed already! Thank you for your excitement. Your child will feed off our excitement. Please let me know if you have questions! Most importantly, have fun!
PS: The RAK movement is quickly spreading. Here is an article I found on the Today Show's website about acts of kindness on Staten Island!
Volunteer Opportunity: Partner Book Writing
I need your help…
Parent volunteers are needed to help with our partner book writing experience. Kindergarteners seem to benefit most when they can work on their writing individually with an adult. Please email me if you are available to help with Partner Book writing. Our schedule is flexible so please let me know the times that you could help out. I am looking for writing help during the school day and even after school during ASP.
Happy Thanksgiving
Our Turkey Handprints
Our Turkey Centerpieces
Baking Our Pumpkin Seeds and Pumpkin Cookies
Our Thanksgiving Feast
More feast pictures to come.
Our Thankful Tree
Our Thanksgiving Black and White Book
Willowwind's Thanksgiving Tradition - "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" and "The Mayflower Voyagers (This is America, Charlie Brown)"
The best way to end an amazing day! I am so thankful!