Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Winter / Spring 2013 After School Enrichment Programs

We are excited to announce the list of spring after school enrichment programs for preschool through 6th grade students. Learners can participate in classes as diverse as yoga and Latin!

This semester, classes are offered in two, six-week sessions.
Session 1: February 4 - March 15
Session 2: March 25 - May 3

information page to find class descriptions, dates, times, and more information.
Look to this

registration form or pick up a form at the Front Office.  Enrollment is 1st come, 1st serve.

Session 1's registration deadline is Friday, January 25, and Session 2's deadline is Friday, March 15.

Please direct registration forms and any questions to Hannah Rounds at or by phone at 319-338-6061.
Enrollment is open to all preschool through sixth grade students in the Iowa City community.  Invite friends, family members, coworkers, neighbors. To enroll, print off and fill out this

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