Saturday, December 1, 2012

Volunteer Opportunity: Partner Book Writing

The joy of our partner book tradition is beginning. Each year, Willowwind students are eager to create a special book for one of their partners. Students experience the writing and illustration from the beginning (interviewing partners and outline ideas) to end (binding books with their own cover design). Partner Books are an amazing part of the WIllowwind experience. Many Willowwind families find a special spot on their bookshelves to house the Partner Books their child receives each year.

I need your help…

Parent volunteers are needed to help with our partner book writing experience. Kindergarteners seem to benefit most when they can work on their writing individually with an adult. Please email me if you are available to help with Partner Book writing. Our schedule is flexible so please let me know the times that you could help out. I am looking for writing help during the school day and even after school during ASP.

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