Saturday, December 1, 2012

Website Updated - Nov/Dec Newsletter & More

Our website has been updated. Check out the latest additions. Below you will also find a few reminders and upcoming events information.

~ November / December Newsletter
This newsletter is full of new information. Take a look! In the Literacy section you will find information on a volunteer opportunity to help with Partner Book writing. Let me know if you are interested in helping out.

~ November Photo Album
Check out pictures from our the month of November. More photos to come as I continue to upload photos from my Nikon. I recently cleaned out my phone's camera, so check out updates in the October Photo Album, too! Don't forget you can save these photos for your family's collection by dragging them to your desktop or right clicking and selecting "Save Image As…" or "Add Image to iPhoto Library" for Mac users.

~ Groove Shark Sub Page
Check out our favorite songs. We play these songs at Sing Along, in Morning Meeting, during Centers, while working, all the time! You can use the above link to find the tab or by visiting the Technology's SubPage under the Curriculum Tab. Here you will find two playlists - our Sing Along playlist and a playlist with some of our classroom favorites. Here, and on the subpage, I have also included a link to our magical clean up song! I encourage you to play this music at home. Your kiddo will love it! Enjoy!

1) Library Books Due December 19
Library books checked out on our recent field trip are due on Wednesday, December 19th. Also, a number of friends had overdue books and accruing fines. I thought I'd let you know in case your child's card is one of them. When fines reach $10 it prevents card users from checking out books. Double check to see if you have outstanding fines with the library.

2) WW's Inclement Weather Policy
Willowwind School follows Iowa City Community School District for school cancellations, early dismissal, or late states due to inclement weather (unless in cases of extreme heat). In the event of a late start or early dismissal due to inclement weather there will be no BASP. School cancellations are posted as soon as possible on KWWL and KCRG media. Go to their websites to sign up for text message alerts - the easiest way to receive cancellation notices.

Upcoming Events:
1) Kindergarten Transition Night - Thursday, December 6th - 6:30 pm
Do you have friends, family members, neighbors, coworkers with an upcoming age eligible Kindergartener for the 2013-2014 school year? Please invite them to our upcoming Kindergarten Transition Night THIS Thursday, December 6th at 6:30. Here they can learn more about Willowwind's kindergarten program and small classroom environment. Prospective parents will earn about the Kindergarten curriculum , Spanish instruction, and outdoor classroom initiatives. Child care is available for toilet-trained children. If you know of interested families, please have them RSVP for the event by December 5 to Amy Conyers at or by calling 319.338.6061. Thanks for spreading the word!

2) Holiday Friday Parent Coffee - Friday, December 7th - 8:15 am
Willowwind Friends and Families (WFF) invites each and every parent to their special Holiday Parent Coffee NEXT Friday, December 7th. In addition to coffee and holiday treats, Willowwind parent Rachel Weissman will speak. Rachel is a licensed acupuncturist who will be offering tips for decreasing stress during the holiday season. Plan to join WFF for coffee, conversation, and relaxation.

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