Friday, January 18, 2013

100th Day of School Homework


Our 100th Day of School Celebration is fast approaching! Today the Cottontails Jake's 100th Day of School to learn more about the fun we will have on our own 100th Day of School (NEXT Thursday, January 24th. Through Jake's story we talked about a special project to complete in preparation for the 100th Day of School. This afternoon, your child brought home a letter about our upcoming 100th Day of School and a small homework assignment. Please take a look at the letter sent home or the information below for more information (this information can also be found in the right sidebar on the website's Welcome page).

As part of our festivities, I am asking each student to count and collect 100 small objects, and to place those objects in the attached plastic bag labeled “_____’s 100th Day Collection”. All the objects in your child’s collection bag should be the same. After all students have returned the bags to class, we will use the collections to conduct fun-filled classroom learning activities. The bagged collections will then be returned to the students to bring home. It is important that each bag close securely over the 100 objects, so please help your child count and choose 100 objects small enough to fit in the bag.

Here are some collection ideas:
• 100 pieces of popcorn
• 100 paper clips
• 100 stickers
• 100 metal washers
• 100 hair elastics
• 100 rubber bands
• 100 toothpicks
• 100 pennies
• 100 pieces of cereal
• 100 beans
• 100 pictures of toys (or 100 pictures of animals, etc.) cut from magazines

Please consider the items on this list to be suggestions only. Feel free to help your child collect any objects that will fit into his or her bag. I only ask that you avoid objects that are sharp (such as tacks).
Your child’s 100th Day of School Collection is due back to school no later than Wednesday, January 23rd.

Also, we are in need of snacks for our 100-item snack. Please use the
“100th Day Snack Sign Up” link to volunteer to bring in a snack. This link can also be found in the right sidebar on the website's Welcome page. When signing up, please include the type of snack you are providing. Snacks should be items where students can easily take 10 pieces from each provided snack. Examples may include small crackers, pretzels, cereal, dried fruit. There are 12 students in our class so please be sure your provided snack has at least 120 items in the box. Please bring the snack on or before Thursday, January 24th.

Thank you in advance for helping to make our 100th Day of School a complete success.

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