Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Happy 100th Day!


Is it really the 105th day of school?!? It seems like we were just gearing up for that big 100th day celebration! It is so hard to believe that we are 100 days smarter. Our actions sure show it and our brains are definitely 100 days stronger! Here's a top ten list of our fun 100th day activities! Check out the January 2013 photo album for more fun pictures!


Cottontails Top Ten List for the 100th Day
10. Brainstorm a list of things we have learned in our first 100 days of Kindergarten. Ideas included learning to….read, share, play, climb on the playground.
9. Write about ways we'd spend $100. Ideas included buying 100…legos, toys, cars, houses, horses.
8. Share our 100th Day Collections. Collections included 100…legos, pennies, cereal pieces, knitted felt balls.
7. Count out a 100 pieces of snack. We created 10 piles of 10 snacks to make our 100th day trail mix. Thank you parents who helped provided our fun treat!!
6. Do 10 sets of 10 exercises. The Cottontails did 10 jumping jacks, 10 toe touches, 10 sit ups, 10 push ups, 10 stretches, 10 one-foot hops, 10 two-feet hops, 10 seconds of marching in place, 10 seconds of running in place, and 10 crunches.
5. Wish for 100 things and write about what we'd do with those 100 things.
4. Count to 100. We counted by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s! Some friends even tried the challenge of counting by 3s and 4s!
3. Read a variety of 100th day books. Check our our
Book Shelf page to see which books we read!
2. Investigate the 100 Chart. What patterns do we see? We looked at even and odd numbers, the 10s family, similarities in rows and similarities in columns.
1. Celebrate our first 100 days together and look forward to the rest of the school year to come!



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