It was simply wonderful to be back to school with your child and their classmates. We were able to take Thursday and Friday to get back into our routine. The Cottontails were also excited about all the changes in the classroom….a new Cottontail, transitioning from Rest Time to Quiet Reading Time, new pencils, and new table spots! More changes will be occurring throughout the coming weeks. Stay tuned as we add fun activities to our daily routines. Here are a few more reminders as we move into our first full week of 2013
Outdoor and Indoor Gear
A big thank you to you all for preparing your child for the cold weather outside. Each Cottontail was prepared with their outdoor gear and indoor shoes. Thank you for lugging in all the extra gear. One additional reminder, if your child brings cozy slippers to wear inside, please be sure they also have Movement shoes to wear on Tuesday and Thursdays. In doing so, your child will be prepared for the Gross Motor activities and development that occurs in Movement.
January's Library Field Trip
We will be traveling to the library on Wednesday, January 30th. Please be sure your child has their library card on this day.
Spanish Newsletter Blurb
I have added Danielle's Spanish blurb to our December/January Newsletter. Check it out.
Don't forget that two snacks are needed each day (except for Thursday when only one snack is needed). Cottontails seem to be without their afternoon snack, at times. This snack is important in helping them sustain the energy they need for a productive afternoon. Please be sure your child has two snacks and they know what they should be eating for morning snack, for lunch, and afternoon snack. Thank you.
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