Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Quiet Observations 2:

One of the joys of being a Kindergarten teacher are the moments when I can sit back and just watch and listen to the excited chatter that occurs throughout the school year. I love to watch these tender moments and write them down to capture and remember before the flit on by.

It is my pleasure to share them with you. Welcome back to my favorite segment of Kindergarten blogging….Quiet Observations. Here I can share them with you - sometimes, they make take form in interactions between a group of students and sometimes they are the cutest quotes imaginable. This segment includes some sweet words from your children. I have been collecting quotes over the last few weeks for your enjoyment. Thank you for allowing me to share in their sweetness.

Snack Time Chatter:
It is always a ton of fun listening to free time conversations and to see how these conversations are inspired by lessons that have occurred throughout the week. Here are tidbits of conversations from snack time.

Student 1: Let's have a Spanish Song recital.
Student 2: Yeah! I'll sing the days of the week song! "Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Mericoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sabado,"
Student 3: Now let's sing the Colores song. Red is rojo. Green is verde. Blue, azul. Negro, black. Purple is marodo. Gray is gris. Brown, cafe.
Student 4: Fun! Now let's sing all the Music songs.
** Table continues to sing every Music song they have learned. They also continue to sing Racerunners' Music songs and other songs they know. **

Student 1: What would our names sound like if we took the vowels out? Like HNNH. Hnnnnnnh.
Student 2: M-R-K. Haha…Merk!
Student 3: T. Just T!
Student 4: Jnh. Juh-nuh!! What about the other tables?

Student 1: What are you doing?
Student 2: I'm reading the Word Wall.
Student 3: How?
Student 2: I like to go down the letters and read every word on the wall.
Student 1: Cool. A says Ainsley, Aubrey, Art, azul, a…

Student 1: I'm eating goldfish. I'm going to count them by 2s. 2, 4, 6, 8…
Student 2: I'll count my crackers by 5s.
Student 3: I only have 3 strawberries. I can count them by 1s. 1, 2, 3!

Student 1: Today is my 5 and 2/3 birthday. In preschool we learned that that means that is how many times the Earth has traveled around the sun.
Student 2: Oh yeah! When I turned 5 then the Earth traveled around 5 times.
Student 3: When I turn 7 then that means the Earth has gone around 7 times.

Student 1: Did you know, guys? I am VERY fond of reading.

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