Take a look at the following reminders and school wide information. Please be sure to take a moment to use the link below to sign up for a Fall Parent / Teacher Conference.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Fall Conferences are just around the corner. I am eager to share your child's amazing progress and growth with you. Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 14th from 8:00 - 4:00 and Thursday, November 21st from 2:30 - 7:30. Due to our day of conferences on November 14th there will be No School and No BASP. There will be child care available during your child's 30 minute conference, so please let Amber know if you will be interested in using this service. Please click on the Fall Conference link to sign up for a 30 minute conference time slot. You can also find this link on the Welcome Page's right sidebar.
Willowwind's School Wide Thematic Learning Display
This year, Willowwind students will be answering the school wide question How do I affect the Earth and how does the Earth affect me? We invite you to check out the display board outside the Conference Room to watch for monthly updates as PreK-6 students answer this essential question. You will find work samples, photos, QR codes to videos and websites, and much more. What's interesting is that not only does this display show you the progress your child is making within their own classroom, but it also shows the vertical progress our students make as they grow through the grades at Willowwind. Enjoy our school's work!
Willowwind's Inclement Weather Policy
Willowwind School follows the Iowa City Community School District for school cancellations, early dismissals or late starts due to inclement weather. In the event of an early dismissal, there is no after-school care. After-school classes and half-day PM preschool will be cancelled. Similarly, in the event of a late start, there is no before-school care and half-day AM preschool classes will be cancelled. Because we are not able to provide a before-school program on these days, we ask that you do not drop-off children before 10:00 a.m.
School cancellations are posted as soon as possible on KWWL and KCRG media. Other communication to parents will come in the forms of an email or a Facebook post. KCRG can also send a text alert to your phone, click here to do so. Thanks for keeping our students safe!
Save the Date! Willowwind's 2nd Annual Gala & Auction
We are excited to announce that the Willowwind Foundation Board has secured a venue for our 2014 Gala and Auction. Join Willowwind friends, family, and community members at Hotel Vetro on Saturday, February 8th. Save the date, secure a babysitter and get ready for a fun night out with Willowwind faculty, staff, parents, alumni and community members! More details TBA. If you'd like to use your parent service hours make this year's auction a success, please email Andria Gibson to see how you can help.
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