Sunday, November 17, 2013


A few quick reminders to start your week as we move into our final full week before Thanksgiving Break.

1) Thanksgiving Feast Sign Up
We are looking forward to the K-6 students and faculty Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday, November 26th. Thank you to all those that have quickly filled up the needs from our Thanksgiving Feast Sign Up. There are just a few additional needs left to sign up for (50 plates, 3 Cups Powdered Sugar, 1 Cottontail Parent to Serve and Clean Up from 12:00 - 2:30). Please help out where you can. Be sure to bring in ingredients by THIS Friday, November 22nd.

Note, that due to the Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday, the 26th, your child will NOT need a lunch on this day. We are eager to taste all of our friends' creations.

In addition, we are looking for additional tables to provide adequate spots for our students, faculty, staff and special guests. Please indicate on the sign up sheet if you can bring in a foldable table or two. No need for chairs as we are set on chairs. If you have a table we can borrow please bring in on Monday, November 25th to allow for adequate set up. Many thanks to you!

2) Library Field Trip THIS Wednesday, November 20
Please be sure your child has their library cards. Also, please note that your child's October library books are due this Wednesday, too. We are excited to welcome Señor Luis on our upcoming library field trip. He will be joining us and showing us where to find books on Spanish culture, bilingual books with English and Spanish text, and other Spanish picture books. Thank you to Luis, for joining us!

Finally, with this trip, we are still looking for one parent volunteer to travel with us. If you are interested in joining us please let me know. We will leave Willowwind at 9:35 and return around 12:15.

3) Kindergarten Wish List
The season of giving is here! We are thrilled to be a part of such a wonderful community. The Kindergarteners are eager to use hands-on materials to further their learning. Remember to check out our ever growing Kindergarten Wish List to see how you can help out with desired supplies for our classroom. A big thank you for your help and support!

A few quick reminders to start your week as we move into our final full week before Thanksgiving Break.

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