With each week, we drew and wrote about each Core Virtue. We then compiled our writings in one large "Chapter Book". The Cottontails were thrilled to watch their work come together in one book. The Cottontails Core Virtue Chapter Book is a go-to book in our library. Come take a look at the book as you stop by the classroom. Our thoughts are also included below. In addition, below, you will find some of our favorite Core Virtue books. Visit our Website Book Shelf for links to Amazon if you are interested in ordering adding any of the books to your home's library collection
I am respectful when I…
...say please and when I want to go tubing.
...help a friend who has a broken bucket.
...am listening.
...help my sister.
...listen to the person that is listening.
...give others a hug.
...give somebody a toy for Christmas.
...use respectful hands.
...say goodbye to my friends.
Book Recommendation: Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum loves her perfect name - or so she thinks. She loves it right up until the first day of school, when the kids in class make fun of her name for being so long and for it being name for a flower. She struggles with her classmates until she meets the music teacher who has a long name AND is named after a flower, too! Chrysanthemum learns to love her names and her classmates learn to show respect for all.
I am responsible when I…
...have my friends read a secret message.
...wait my turn at the piñata.
...tell the truth.
...clean my toys up.
...picked up trash in the forest.
...invite somebody to play with me.
...told my mom I dropped the card.
...put my clothes on all by myself.
...am cleaning up the table.
...share the pinecone with friends.
...play with someone and ask them to play.
Book Recommendation: The Paper Boy
On a peaceful Saturday morning, before the rest of the world is awake, a young paperboy makes his way along his route, thinking about all kinds of things along the way.
I persevere by...
...writing my name.
...learning to swim.
...climbing the grey thing on the playground.
...first going to swimming lessons.
...climbing up the pole.
...helping a friend pull a wagon.
...trying my best when I sing.
...telling myself, "I think I can." when I get hurt.
...trying to get the train going.
...by riding my bike.
...trying to break on a hill.
...driving the tractor.
Book Recommendation: Oops-a-Daisy!
Daisy Rabbit is learning how to hop, and there's a lot of jumping, thumping, and bumping going on in the meadow. "Watch me, Mama!" Dais cries out as she tries a big hop. Mama helps Daisy up and she shows her that everyone needs to practice things. Little Duck is learning to swim and Little Mouse is learning to climb. Daisy keeps practicing her hopping.
I show self-discipline by...
...patiently waiting for a rainbow.
...by washing the dishes without being told.
...not being greedy.
...being on time to dinner.
...not picking flowers even when I want them.
...finishing poems.
...patiently waiting for the bus.
...waiting patently for the mail.
...focusing on my homework.
...cleaning my room when my mom tells me to.
...not walking in someone's garden.
Book Recommendation: The Little Red Hen
The Little Red Hen works hard - all alone! - to turn her wheat seed into flour, while the goes talks, the dog naps, and the cat preens. When her friends smell the fresh bread baking, their all of a sudden eager to help her eat it!
I show honesty by...
...telling the truth.
...finding the right owner when I find a toy on the playground.
...not stealing.
...following directions even when no one is watching.
...not taking things from others.
...being respectful.
...being a good friend.
...not picking another person's flowers.
...not telling a lie.
...asking politely for something instead of taking.
...showing respect to nature.
Book Recommendation: Ruthie and the Not So Teeny-Tiny Lie
Ruthie loves little things - the smaller, the better. When she finds a teeny tiny toy on the school playground, she can hardly believe her luck. There's just one problem: It belongs to somebody else! Ruthie insists the toy is hers, but deep down, she knows better.
...I show compassion when…
...I'm helping my sister put a band aid on when she falls.
...I give another ice cream to someone who is sad.
...I don't peek in someone's window.
...I'm helping mommy do laundry.
...helping someone feel better when they don't get things when they wanted to.
...I help somebody who has Alzheimer's get up when they fall.
...I share the slide and robot.
...my sister is sad and asks for a hug.
...I care.
...I'm hugging the baby in my mom's tummy.
...helping someone get up.
...I help someone set the table.
Book Recommendation: The Berenstain Bears Think of Those in Need
Stuff in the closets, stuff in the drawers, stuff in the attic - too much stuff everywhere! Mama Bear convinces the family that cleaning out the house can not only simplify their cluttered lives, but also benefit those who are in need!
I show giving by...
...cleaning my room.
...giving old clothes to my sister.
...having a big yard sale.
...not hurting people
...giving away my socks.
...giving my mittens and goats to people.
...giving someone clothes.
...sharing my tent with my cousin.
...giving my poster away even if I want it.
...giving my clothes to my cousin.
...by giving my clay house to my friend.
...giving balls to Sophie.
...giving mittens and hats to children.
Book Recommendation: Lily and the Paper Man
Walking with her mother on the home from school one day, Lily runs straight into a gruff and untidy-looking man selling papers on the street. Lily is afraid of the man, but when the weather turns cold, she starts to see the Paper Man differently - she sees his bare toes through the holes in his books and his thin shirt through the holes in his coat. As she lies in her cozy bed at night, she wonders how the Paper Man stays warm. Lilly comes up with a wonderful idea.
Enjoying our Core Virtue Chapter Book.
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