Thursday, February 6, 2014

Secret Valentine Week and Valentine's Day Celebrations

Secret Valentine Week begins NEXT Monday, February 10th. Here are some reminders and notes to help your child prepare for this exciting school wide event.

~  Beginning Monday, February 10th, your child will deliver daily a small, HOMEMADE gift AND a clue regarding their identity.

~  They will deliver small, HOMEMADE, gifts on M, T, W, and Th of next week.

~  One of the four small, HOMEMADE, gifts can be a baked good from your home. If you choose to give a baked good please clarify any food restrictions or allergies.

~  On Fridday, February 14th your child will reveal their secret identity & gift a book as a final gift. The book can be a new book (up to $5 in value) or a gently used book your child is ready to part with. Willowwind's Book Fair may be the perfect place to find this book. What better place for your child to find a book for their Secret Valentine recipient than at the Willowwind Book Fair where Willowwind will too benefit.

~  100% participation is a must for all five days.

~  As a suggestion, your child is welcome to bring in all of their gifts and clues on the first day of the Exchange.  You child can store all five gifts in their classroom cubby.

In addition, to next week's Secret Valentine Week festivities, the Kindergarteners will be celebrating Valentine's Day together in our classroom on the morning of Friday, February 14th. Your child may bring in a small valentine for each of their classmates. They will deliver and handout Valentines on Friday morning. Class Valentines are an optional choice, but if your child chooses to participate please be sure to provide a Valentine for each classmate. They are 13 students in our Kindergarten class. A class list is included below.


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