The Cottontails are excited about their new writing routine. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we watch our writing stamina and confidence grow. Kindergarten students are learning to be confident in their writing and are loving this time of day.
This crew is so eager to write. The Kindergarteners are making great leaps and bounds in their ability to write on their own. Many Kindergarten students are making the move from transcribed writing (a Kinder verbally dictates their thoughts and I write them down) to "post-it note" writing (a Kinder dictates their thoughts, I write them on a post-it note and they transfer the writing to their own page). They are so excited to write! They take their time and are proud of their work. Through "post-it note" writing, we are working on creating complete thoughts and using "finger spacing" (one finger between words and two fingers between sentence). We will also begin to focus on finishing our sentences with a period.
The last two weeks, we have been working on focusing our attention during our writing time. Supply keepers pass out writing supplies to their table mates, students work quietly and confidently while our "Writing Music" is playing, and they clean up efficiently when our "Writing Music" shifts to our "Writing Complete Music". They are eager to share their written work and stories with their friends and have been learning about "Talking Partners" in the Group Area.
This week, I will introduced the Cottontails to their Writing Portfolio. The Writing Portfolio is a special place for our "seeds" (ideas), writing pieces, and even a sight word dictionary to help us with our spelling. I am so excited for the growth that will occur throughout the school year. Continue to help your child with their growing writing confidence. Use "post-it note" writing at home or encourage their own kid spelling with their writing. Here's to strong writing!
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