Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Specials Newsletter - Sept/Oct

As we transition to new classroom websites, monthly newsletters will be published into segments -
a Classroom Newsletter
a Specials Newsletter.

Classroom and Specials Newsletters will be published at the end of / beginning of each month.  Below you will find newsletter updates from each of your child's Specials teachers.

Physical Education - Karen Robbins     karenr@willowwind.org
Skipping and galloping isn’t just for child’s play, it’s crucial for development of the whole child. Has your child come home telling you that they are being asked to skip, hop, jump and gallop in PE class? Among other things, we have spent our first few weeks assessing their locomotor skills and playing games that incorporate them. Your child’s locomotor skills will be evaluated throughout the school year and practiced in every class, so I wanted to take the time to talk about locomotor skills in this month’s newsletter.

What are locomotor skills? Locomotor skills are the basic ways to move. I think of them as the building blocks of physical coordination. I want our students to be lifelong movers with good motor patterns. Right from birth, your child is learning how to control their body movements and how to interact with the world around them.  This learning process is called motor skill development.  Motor skills can be divided into three types:  locomotor (e.g. running, hopping, jumping), object control (e.g. throwing, catching, kicking), and stability and balance.   Physical activity is important for motor development, especially for improving locomotor skills. Locomotor skills include: walking, galloping, jumping, hopping, side-sliding, leaping and skipping.

Why does our PE class emphasize the development of locomotor skills? Locomotor skills are important for physical development, lifelong physical activity and school success.

Physical Development: To build the foundation of your child’s physical coordination I ask them to perform different locomotor skills every day in PE class. By demonstrating proficient performance of locomotor skills in class and applying them in game activities, they are equipped with the physical tools and confidence they will need for being a lifelong mover. Perhaps you may think of the importance of locomotor movement to physical development like you would the importance of knowing the alphabet to reading skill development. Students are getting the ABC’s of their physical development every day in PE class. Now, at the elementary level, is the time to catch any developmental delays in this area as most of these skills are considered developmental milestones by second grade. Consequences of low locomotor skill will only become more pronounced and difficult to remedy the longer they are neglected. Willowwind students are fortunate to attend a school that values physical education at this early stage of your child’s physical development.

Lifelong Physical Activity: We are building lifelong movers that value physical activity.  A positive relationship exists between proficient locomotor motor skills with levels of physical activity in childhood and physically active adults. Research has found that children who spend the most time in moderate to vigorous physical activity tend to have the highest locomotor skills.  Children who are the least active have the lowest motor skills.  This may be because physically active children spend more time learning and improving new motor skills.  Children with better locomotor skills may also find physical activity easier and more fun.  This indicates that proficient locomotor skills now may be a large contributing factor to their level of interest in and enjoyment in being physically active later in life.

School Success Now:  Your child needs the foundation of locomotor skills for school success, too. That's partly because of the order and sequencing of development—the way new skills build on previous ones, and the way small muscles develop after large ones. It's also because children need to be able to sit at a desk or stand at a blackboard in order to write. And they need to be able to use balance and twisting skills to cross the midline (an imaginary vertical line dividing the right and left sides of the body), which they must do in order to read and write fluidly. Think about how walking (swinging your arms in opposition to your leg movement) and skipping (most difficult opposition coordination) use cross-laterality that build skills needed for reading and writing.
Every day in PE, we incorporate locomotor skill development. As a parent, you can participate in their locomotor development too. It is important to introduce your child to new movements and create opportunities for them to practice.  By encouraging physical activity, you not only help your child improve their locomotor skills, but you also help them increase their confidence. If you have any further questions or need some new ideas, please contact me.  Happy Moving!

Visual Arts - Ryan Bentzinger     ryanb@willowwind.org
For those of you who are new to Willowwind, my name is Ryan and I am the Art Teacher.  Art classes at Willowwind are scheduled on a Fine Arts block system, which alternates Music and Visual Arts. For example, 3rd-6th graders have Visual Arts for three weeks while K-2nd graders have Music, and after the three weeks classes switch. I see your child for a 45-minute class for three days-a-week, typically Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This year, I started with the 3rd-6th graders.

Art classes are held in the Scholar’s Studio, which is located upstairs next door to Ms. Lou’s room. The first Visual Arts block revolved around Drawing & Mixed Media. For those of you who have not had a chance to look at the 2014-15 Visual Arts Curriculum Outline, here is how a typical “Art block” looks like:

·      Week 1: Introduction to medium and concepts
·      Week 2: Art History (artist model) and practice techniques
·      Week 3: Studio time to work on final project to show understanding of concepts and techniques.  The first week of Art focused on the concept of a shared studio and what it means to be an artist. We discussed the importance of respecting each other’s space and work, as well as respecting the tools and materials. Innovation is what makes art thrive, so I made it clear to students that I encourage experimentation and risk-taking within their artwork.

The second week focused on three of the Elements of Art, Line, Shape, and Color. I taught students the basic concepts of a line and shape in Art, which is that a line has two points, while a shape is a line that connects to itself. We talked about geometric (“shapes with names”) and organic shapes.

As a part of Art History, I introduced the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. I showed students images of his primary color compositions, and had them memorize the primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. The first project I assigned was to draw at least 6 shapes on a red, yellow, blue, and/or black piece of paper, cut them out, paste them on a white piece of poster board in an “artistic way”, and use at least two long lines within the piece.

During the third and final week of this block, I introduced American artist Robert Rauschenberg and Mixed Media. This project was based on the excitement students were having cutting out shapes. On several occasions, a student requested to have more collage-based work, so I went ahead with one of my favorites. I showed students a slideshow of Rauschenberg’s mixed media (combine) paintings and objects. I explained to students how artists think outside the box, and can use found images and objects within their artwork. The kinders’ final project was to create a Mixed Media artwork (meaning using two or more materials on one piece) inspired by Robert Rauschenberg. There have been some phenomenal works appearing. I am overwhelmed and proud of what your children have been making. It’s going to be a great year.

Narrative Artwork and Illustration is the next block beginning on Oct. 20th! As a reminder, please, please, please do not have your child wear anything of value to school on Art days! Thank you.

Ryan Bentzinger
Teaching Artist at Willowwind School
Assistant to Professor Chunghi Choo

Music - Katherine Anderson     katherinea@willowwind.org
Willowwind Music now has a blog!  Go to the link below to see what students have been doing in music this month.  Like classroom blogs, please subscribe to the music blog for automatic updates by entering your email address on the right hand side of the webpage below.

Spanish - Megan Lantz     meganl@willowwind.org
The kindergartners are sponges when in comes to language.  I am so proud of them!  They learn so well through songs and games. This month we learned how to introduce ourselves, count to ten, pronounce color names, and play a few games in Spanish. I have a kinder class before lunch, and before they can be dismissed to wash their hands, they need to tell me, “Tengo hambre” (I am hungry). They ALL can say this phrase now without even having to think about it!  The other day it backfired on me as they all chanted in chorus, “Tengo hambre, tengo hambre!”  You may soon hear this phrase at the dinner table from a hungry nino. :-) Feel free to respond with “Tener paciencia, por favor” (Have patience, please.)  I just introduced the kindergartners to Jose-Luis Orozco, a famous songwriter and singer from Mexico, and they love his songs/music.  You will hear more of his music in the following weeks.  Ask your child to share a song with you – it will bring a smile to your face. 

Save the Date: October 1st Friday Parent Coffee

A message from Willowwind Friends and Family...

We wanted to let you know that this Friday, October 3rd we will be hosting a representative of the Iowa City Blue Zones Project to our First Friday Parent Coffee.  The “Blue Zone” concept is described in a book by Dan Buettner titled “The Blue Zones: Nine Lessons for Living Longer from the People who have Lived the Longest”.  While this may sound like a longevity book, it is really about how to have a good quality of life, how to cope with stress, and how to create community.  Iowa is one of five states participating in the Blue Zone Project and Iowa City is one of the communities that has received a Blue Zone designation.  While not directly related to GRIT, the healthy habits and ideas promoted by the Blue Zone Project seem to fit well with our Willowwind community with an emphasis on taking care of ourselves, taking care of each other, and taking care of our environment.  Willowwind could even decide to become one of the schools that signs on to become a “Blue Zone School” or participate in one of the activities like a “Walking Challenge".

Iowa City's Blue Zones Project Facebook page describes the initiative in greater detail.  Click HERE to visit their page.

Thank you very much,
Gretchen Rice
Willowwind Friends and Families

Drivers, Homework, Daily Supplies Needed

Please read the information below carefully.  Your help is needed in ensuring your child is prepared for daily school activities and upcoming events.

We are still in need of drivers to help transport half of our class to Wilson's Orchard on our upcoming field trip.  We will be headed to Wilson's Orchard on Wednesday, October 8th from 10:30 - 12:45.  Please click HERE to sign up to be a driver.  All first time field trip drivers must submit a copy of their driver's license and proof of insurance to Willowwind's Front Desk.  Remember, these wonderful community opportunities aren't possible without your help and support.  Don't forget, booster seats will be needed on this day for all Kindergarteners.

Did your child bring in their favorite book today?  If not, please be sure that they bring in their favorite book NO LATER than THIS Wednesday, October 1st.  This is important to help them be a part of our sharing activity allowing them to share their favorite book and growing love for reading with their classmates.

Please be sure your child brings the following supplies to school everyday.
•  gold Cottontail Communicator sheet (IN Take Home Folder - Many Take Home Folders have been coming to school empty.  Please be sure your child's Cottontail Communicator travels with them to and from school.  This Communicator is a great way to jot quick notes for you or for me.)
•  cut Spelling Sort (IN plastic bag found in Take Home Folder)
•  red Take Home Folder
•  ALL books in Bunny Book Bag (paperback books AND black and white books - Many Bunny Book Bags have been coming to school empty.  Please be sure your child's books travel with them to and from school.)
•  Bunny Book Bag
•  2 snacks - clearly labeled (Remember, only one snack is needed on Thursdays.)
•  lunch
•  long sleeves for chilly morning recesses

Loving Literacy

Our love and confidence in reading and writing is growing leaps and bounds!  Our reading time is in full swing and we are building confidence in our ability to learn how to read. Your child is thrilled to find out that they are already readers! Our classroom library has been a popular spot the last few weeks.  Please help your child select their favorite book from home to bring to school no later than Wednesday, October 1.  Here is a peek at my favorite book! The Cottontail class will read this later in the year as part of our chapter book read aloud selections.

Now, take a "picture walk" (much like our growing readers do!) through the fun we've been having throughout all of Literacy.

Using books as a resource.  Reviewing books' pictures can help us with our writing and illustrating.

Wood Letter Pieces help us form letters, develop fine motor skills, & sound out and spell words.

Read, read, read....getting comfy and reading at our table spots.

Read, read, read...getting comfy and reading in our Rest Time spots.

Read, read, read...enjoying books in our classroom library.

Reviewing our book care rules.  Becoming responsible readers and friends to our books.

Using city transportation to journey to the downtown public library.

We will be traveling to the library the last Wednesday of each month.  If dates, change I will keep you posted as they arise.  November and December's dates are tentative to change.  September's library books are due Wednesday, October 15th.  Your family is responsible for making sure your child's books are returned on time.

Enjoying ICPL's story time.

Each library trip, we will be able to be a part of the library's story time.  Here we can model for younger friends the importance of positive listening and participation.  This week's story time was about banned books.  Did you know that some tried to ban the classic book Where the Wild Things Are from the library?!

Using pictures and letters to write and tell stories on the dry erase board.

Spelling with letter puzzle pieces.

Gluing Spelling sorts during Brain Breakfast.

In addition, we also...
•  answered the question - What do STRONG readers do?  Take a look at our thoughts posted in the classroom
•  made lists.  We are learning how "To Do Lists" can keep our brains organized and on task.
•  visited the Listening Center.  We build fluency through listening to other fluent readers read aloud while modeling expression, pacing, and other fluency traits.  We use the Listening Center during Center Time and Rest Time.

All around, we LOVE all things literacy.  Our love for reading is a team effort.  Thank you for your support in helping our confidence and love grow.  Your efforts with Highlights subscriptions and Scholastic Book Orders are greatly appreciated!  Scholastic Book Orders went home last week.  If you are missing books or orders please let me know.  We will send home another Scholastic order in November.  In the meantime, if you are interested in ordering you can always place an order by visiting scholastic.com/readingclub.  First time orders should use the activation code NCNYY.

In addition, your child took home a very special DVD and brochure today in their Take Home Fodler.  This "I Can Read" DVD was created by local educator LaDonna Wickland and has been gifted to each of our Kindergarten students as a way to celebrate learning how to read.  Visit the "I Can Read" website for more information.  A big thank you to LaDonna and Rotary Club for their generous DVD donation.

Continue to encourage and enjoy this time with your growing child!

Small Hands Fundraiser

Today, your child took home a Small Hands catalog.  This catalog is filled with hundreds of toys, books, and tools that teach children about the world, fostering their independence, and reinforcing so much of what they learned at Willowwind.

Browse the catalog, and if you would like to order items out of the catalog (a great place to look for birthday presents and other gifts) please participate in the group order.  In doing so, all snippy costs are waived.  To do so, return in the order form (sent home with the catalog) and payment between Wednesday, October 1 and Friday, October 10 to Rachel Butler at the Front Desk.  Upon ordering, please use Willowwind's school code - 169801 - so that Willowwind can reap the fundraiser's efforts and rewards of supplies and materials (up to 15% of total order in merchandise credit).  When the bulk order arrives at Willowwind, family orders will be distributed.

K-2 Teacher Wish List Branches can be found in the Front Entry Way along the Conference Room wall.  I am amazed at how many items within the Small Hands catalog are relevant to what we do in our day to day adventures.

If you have any questions please contact Leslie Fitzpatrick (preschool parent) at lesfitz@gmail.com.  Enjoy looking through the catalog or click HERE to visit their website.

Many thanks and happy shopping!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Announcement: Reading Homework

We are having so much fun learning to read.  Last week, our reading brains grew and bloomed when we discovered that we are already readers!!  The Kindergarteners learned that there are THREE ways to read a book.

1)  Read the Words
2)  Read the Pictures
3)  Retell a Story

Students were delighted to know that reading the pictures helps their reading brains grow while they are learning more and more about reading words and sounding out letters.  Your help is needed to help out our love for reading...

1)  Please be sure your child has their own Iowa City Public Library card by TOMORROW, Wednesday, September 24th.  They need to bring their library card to school on Wednesday, September 24th so they can check out three ICPL books when we make our way to the library on our first monthly library field trip.  No booster seats are needed as we will be taking the city bus.  We are looking forward to it.

2)  By Monday, September 29th, please have your child bring in their favorite book to share with the class.  A way to grow to love reading is reading favorite books and sharing our love for them with others.  Help your child find their favorite book and bring it to school.

As always, don't hesitate to ask questions.  Thank you for your help and support!

Now, enjoy these photos of our Cottontails learning to read!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Announcements: September's Important Reminders

As we continue to make our way through September there are MANY upcoming events and reminders.  Please take careful note and pay special attention to the following reminders.

1)  Allen's Apple Orchard Field Trip
THIS Friday, September 19th  10:45 - 3:00
PLEASE leave your child's booster seat at Willowwind on the morning of Friday, September 19th.  All Kindergarteners MUST use a booster seat when traveling on school field trips.  Please do not forget to leave your child's booster seat at school.  Also, drivers, please arrive by 10:45 and be sure to turn in a copy of your driver's license and proof of insurance to Rachel Butler at the Front Desk.  Thank you to Wayne, Barb, and Paul who have committed to driving!

2)  Iowa City Public Library Field Trips
NEXT Wednesday, September 24th  9:30 - 12:15
Wednesday, October 29th  9:30 - 12:15
Next Wednesday brings the first of our monthly field trips to the Iowa City Public Library.  The Kindergarten classes will be traveling to the library the last Wednesday of each month (date tentative to change).  PLEASE be sure your child has their own library card.  If your child does not have an Iowa City Public Library card please stop by the library with them between now and next Tuesday, September 24th to fill out an application for your child and to receive their card.  Your child must bring their library card to school on Wednesday, September 24th for our first library field trip.

3)  Other Upcoming Field Trips
Fall Walk to Friendship Park
Wednesday, October 9th  9:00 - 11:00
We will be walking to Friendship Park with both Kindergarten classes to explore the season of Fall and the changes occurring.  Please be sure your child wears comfy walking shoes.

Wilson's Orchard - Pumpkin Picking Field Trip - DRIVERS NEEDED
Wednesday, October 8th  10:30 - 12:45
Parent drivers are needed for this field trip.  Please click HERE to visit our Volunteer Opportunity Sign Up to express commitment in driving and volunteering for the field trip.

4)  Willowwind Apparel Order - Due THIS Friday, September 19th
It's that time of year for new Willowwind apparel!  Pick up an order form at the Front Desk.  There are adult and youth t-shirts, sweatshirts, fleece zip-ups, tote bags and hats available.  Show your school pride all around town with your Willowwind gear!

5)  Volunteer Opportunity:  Apples Still Needed!
Willowwind has purchased some of our classroom's apples, but the Cottontail Rabbit class is still in need of additional apples to help with some of our upcoming baking activities.  Please click HERE if you can sign up to bring in apples for our class.  Thank you!

6)  Picture Day
Monday, September 29th
This year's Picture Day is coming up!  Destiny Borland of Identity Photography will be here to take individual school pictures and class pictures.  The Front Desk will be sending more information home via email in the coming days.  I am looking forward to this year's Picture Day - my family is a frequent client of Identity Photography and we love Destiny and her work.  I am thrilled to have her be a part of our school picture day!

7)  Supplies for School
As a reminder, please be sure your child is bringing the following supplies daily
•  Take Home Folder - Within their folder, your child should be bringing their Spelling Sort AND their gold Cottontail Communicator back and forth to school each day.  Please be sure your child's folder contains both of these items.
•  2 Snacks (1 for Thursday) - Continue to help your child build a snack routine so that they have food for both snacks and lunch time
•  Jacket - The weather is getting cooler, but we will continue to go outside for recess and Movement. Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately for our cool mornings.
•  Book Bags - Our new Bunny Book Bags are going home this week.  Please be sure your child brings their Book Bag AND the books inside back and forth to school each day.  Books can stay home (for good) once you see a checkmark appear in the top right corner of the book.  A big thank you to Ansuya and Tundi for helping assemble these books each week!

8)  Scholastic Book Orders
Thank you to all of the Cottontail families that ordered books from this month's Scholastic Book Order.  The order has been submitted and your family's books will be here soon.  I will send them home with your child.  Please let me know if there are every any book gifts that need to be shielded from Kindergarten eyes.  Another book order opportunity will go home in November, but in the meantime feel free to make orders through our classroom account at scholastic.com/readingclub and by using the activation code NCNYY for first time orders.  All orders "banked" will be placed with a large order in November.

9)  Website Updates
K-6 classes are in the process of transforming and updating our classroom websites.  Because of this our classroom websites are currently inactive.  To view the blog portion of our websites please be sure to visit cottontailchatter.blogspot.com.  If you are subscribed, all blog posts will be sent directly to your email inbox.

New Routine: Math Packet Homework

Last week, the Kindergartners began a new routine - Math class!  This year, Willowwind is excited to provide students with differentiated Math curriculum as students attend in Math groups that meet them at their developmental level.  Lou, Meridith, and I each teach a math group every morning where we are able to cater lessons to fit the needs of individual students.  Dividing the two classes into three groups also creates even small groupings than our classes of 16.  The students love Math time and are always eager for more. One Kinder asked, "Was that really Math? It was so much fun. Can we do some more?"

On Monday, we discussed our new routine of a weekly Math packet. You should've seen this Math packet travel home on the Right Back to School side of the Take Home Folder.  The Cottontails are so excited to have weekly math homework just like their older friends, partners, and family members. Please help foster this excitement as they bring home their weekly work.  Each Monday, students will take home a weekly math packet. This math packet will contain five double sided worksheets that can be completed throughout the week.

These activities are supplemental activities to the activities and lessons we complete as a class throughout the week. They are meant to provide your child with added practice and reinforcement. It is my hopes that this homework routine provides you with the opportunity to take a look at some of the concepts your child is studying in Kindergarten.  The class brainstormed various ways to complete the packet.  Friends made great suggestions, and we came to the agreement that we would complete one double-side page per day.  This important to note as the concepts on some of the later pages won't be introduced until mid week and I want to be sure your child has a classroom understanding of the concept before trying it independently at home.  This helps with confidence building and skill mastery.  So, while our kiddos are excited about homework please help and encourage them to only complete one double-sided page a weekday.  Most importantly, we all agreed, though, that waiting until Sunday night to start the packet was not the best idea.

On the following Monday morning, your child should return their packet back to school and turn it in.  We will take part of our Monday Math time to review our work independently, with partners, in small groups, or as a large group. Please see that your child is prepared to participate in our Math review each Monday. Each double sided page should only take your child approximately five minutes to complete. This homework is meant to aid in your child's school routine. ASP kiddos are encourage to use "homework time" to complete their homework before heading home.  Regardless of when they do their homework, please be sure they only complete one double-sided page a day.  ASP is aware of our Math homework routine.  As you begin our new Math homework routine please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for continuing your child's learning at home!

PS:  Not only do we meet in small groups for math each day, we take time a couple mornings a month to meet as a whole Kindergarten community playing math games and learning together.  Here is a fun picture of ALL the Kindergarteners working together to play "What Time is it Mr. Fox?"

"What time is it, Mr. Fox?!"

"Dinner time!"

Goodbye Summer

Summer is coming to an end and Fall is quickly approaching, but the Cottontails have made sure to enjoy the Summer weather before it says goodbye until next year.  The last few weeks have given us beautiful days to enjoy the outdoors and each other's company.  Earlier in September we took a walk to "Friendship Park" where we took time to use our Five Senses to experience our neighborhood and Summer's weather.  Enjoy this picture walk through our fun day!

Getting ready to leave Willowwind and walk to the park!

Making observations along our walk.  We can...
•  smell the flowers and fresh cut grass
•  hear the birds chirping and the creek rushing
•  taste the cool creek water (We didn't, but we imagined how refreshing it could taste. ;) )
•  feel the soccer ball as we kick and play
•  see the bright flowers and kids playing

When arriving at the park we enjoyed each other's company as we ate our snack and most importantly had fun together on the playground.  It is always fun to explore a new playground!

When we returned to school, we took a few moments to
discuss our Summer observations and how we used our senses.

With our observations, we also wrote Summer Senses poems.
Check them out in our classroom's cubby area!

We love Summer, but we are so excited for the wonderful changes Fall will bring!  So long Summer!

PS:  With Fall looming, please be sure your child is prepare for cool outdoor play.  We go outside each morning for recess or Movement so please be sure your child is adequately dressed and prepared.