Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Save the Date: October 1st Friday Parent Coffee

A message from Willowwind Friends and Family...

We wanted to let you know that this Friday, October 3rd we will be hosting a representative of the Iowa City Blue Zones Project to our First Friday Parent Coffee.  The “Blue Zone” concept is described in a book by Dan Buettner titled “The Blue Zones: Nine Lessons for Living Longer from the People who have Lived the Longest”.  While this may sound like a longevity book, it is really about how to have a good quality of life, how to cope with stress, and how to create community.  Iowa is one of five states participating in the Blue Zone Project and Iowa City is one of the communities that has received a Blue Zone designation.  While not directly related to GRIT, the healthy habits and ideas promoted by the Blue Zone Project seem to fit well with our Willowwind community with an emphasis on taking care of ourselves, taking care of each other, and taking care of our environment.  Willowwind could even decide to become one of the schools that signs on to become a “Blue Zone School” or participate in one of the activities like a “Walking Challenge".

Iowa City's Blue Zones Project Facebook page describes the initiative in greater detail.  Click HERE to visit their page.

Thank you very much,
Gretchen Rice
Willowwind Friends and Families

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