Monday, September 1, 2014

Announcement: PEPs & Other Events

Throughout the year, I'll be blogging about upcoming events and other reminders.  Even while we continue to work through technology bugs on parts of our classroom website, the calendar page should still work.  In the coming days, I will be adding events (classroom specific and school wide) to our website's calendar so you can begin to add these events to your family's own calendar.  Click HERE to view the Cottontail Rabbit's Website Calendar Page. You can view the calendar in a variety of modes including weekly, monthly, and the default agenda list.  Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions about any of the events that occur throughout the year.

1)  Curriculum Night
Curriculum Night is this Thursday, September 5th from 5:30 - 6:30.  We will be discussing Willowwind's 2013-2014 school wide theme, Grit, and other curricular adventures we will be taking during your child's Kindergarten year.  Please remember that this is a mandatory event for all families.  Child care is available so please email Rachel Butler at if you are interested in child care.  See you soon!

2)  PEP Survey and Conferences
Don't forget to complete the PEP Survey and sign up for an upcoming PEP Conference.  PEP Conferences will occur on Thursday, September 11th and Thursday, September 18th from 2:30 - 7:30.  I look forward to meeting with you and discussing your child's academic and social goals and progress.

3)  September Parent Coffee
The first Friday of each month brings the opportunity to meet with other families and learn more about Willowwind and ways to provide your child with academic and social success.  Our first Friday parent coffee is this Friday, September 5th at drop off.  Our Head of School, Paul Pressler, our Board President, Kari Yankey, and head of WW Friends and Family, Gretchen Rice will be hosting a question and answer session this month's to help you learn more about policies, procedures, and what to expect in the coming school year.

4)  After School Enrichment Classes
The Fall session of After School Enrichment Classes is around the corner.  Focusing on performing arts, these classes support our commitment to progressive education and fit within the STEAM learning model.  This semester classes will last 10 weeks from September 8 to November 15.  Click HERE to view class descriptions and access the registration form.  If you registered for our Summer Programs online then you can register for Fall Enrichment Classes online by clicking HERE.  If you are new to online registering then click HERE to register.  These classes are a great opportunity and perfect way to extend your child's school day and help grow their love for learning.

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