Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Goodbye Summer

Summer is coming to an end and Fall is quickly approaching, but the Cottontails have made sure to enjoy the Summer weather before it says goodbye until next year.  The last few weeks have given us beautiful days to enjoy the outdoors and each other's company.  Earlier in September we took a walk to "Friendship Park" where we took time to use our Five Senses to experience our neighborhood and Summer's weather.  Enjoy this picture walk through our fun day!

Getting ready to leave Willowwind and walk to the park!

Making observations along our walk.  We can...
•  smell the flowers and fresh cut grass
•  hear the birds chirping and the creek rushing
•  taste the cool creek water (We didn't, but we imagined how refreshing it could taste. ;) )
•  feel the soccer ball as we kick and play
•  see the bright flowers and kids playing

When arriving at the park we enjoyed each other's company as we ate our snack and most importantly had fun together on the playground.  It is always fun to explore a new playground!

When we returned to school, we took a few moments to
discuss our Summer observations and how we used our senses.

With our observations, we also wrote Summer Senses poems.
Check them out in our classroom's cubby area!

We love Summer, but we are so excited for the wonderful changes Fall will bring!  So long Summer!

PS:  With Fall looming, please be sure your child is prepare for cool outdoor play.  We go outside each morning for recess or Movement so please be sure your child is adequately dressed and prepared.

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