Using books as a resource. Reviewing books' pictures can help us with our writing and illustrating.
Wood Letter Pieces help us form letters, develop fine motor skills, & sound out and spell words.
Read, read, read....getting comfy and reading at our table spots.
Read, read, read...getting comfy and reading in our Rest Time spots.
Read, read, read...enjoying books in our classroom library.
Reviewing our book care rules. Becoming responsible readers and friends to our books.
Using city transportation to journey to the downtown public library.
We will be traveling to the library the last Wednesday of each month. If dates, change I will keep you posted as they arise. November and December's dates are tentative to change. September's library books are due Wednesday, October 15th. Your family is responsible for making sure your child's books are returned on time.
Enjoying ICPL's story time.
Each library trip, we will be able to be a part of the library's story time. Here we can model for younger friends the importance of positive listening and participation. This week's story time was about banned books. Did you know that some tried to ban the classic book Where the Wild Things Are from the library?!
Using pictures and letters to write and tell stories on the dry erase board.
Spelling with letter puzzle pieces.
Gluing Spelling sorts during Brain Breakfast.
In addition, we also...
• answered the question - What do STRONG readers do? Take a look at our thoughts posted in the classroom
• made lists. We are learning how "To Do Lists" can keep our brains organized and on task.
• visited the Listening Center. We build fluency through listening to other fluent readers read aloud while modeling expression, pacing, and other fluency traits. We use the Listening Center during Center Time and Rest Time.
All around, we LOVE all things literacy. Our love for reading is a team effort. Thank you for your support in helping our confidence and love grow. Your efforts with Highlights subscriptions and Scholastic Book Orders are greatly appreciated! Scholastic Book Orders went home last week. If you are missing books or orders please let me know. We will send home another Scholastic order in November. In the meantime, if you are interested in ordering you can always place an order by visiting First time orders should use the activation code NCNYY.
In addition, your child took home a very special DVD and brochure today in their Take Home Fodler. This "I Can Read" DVD was created by local educator LaDonna Wickland and has been gifted to each of our Kindergarten students as a way to celebrate learning how to read. Visit the "I Can Read" website for more information. A big thank you to LaDonna and Rotary Club for their generous DVD donation.
Continue to encourage and enjoy this time with your growing child!
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