Sunday, September 7, 2014

New Routine: Book Bags

The Cottontails have been gearing up to become strong readers by creating personalized book bags to transport the many books they will read back and forth from home to school. Last week, we decorated our book bags with our name in puffy paint and a hand stamped bunny. It was such a fun project to work with your child on.

Beginning Monday, September 8th, your child will begin to bring home their Book Bag.  Your child's Book Bag (and the books inside) need to travel back and forth from home to school each day.  Each week you will see your child's collection of paper books grow. It is important that these books return to school each day as we will use these books within daily classroom activities. You will notice that the books chosen for your child fit with their current literacy needs. Some books may be a bit tricky to read as they may be used to study one part of the story (a spelling concept for example).  Because of this, and for your help, I have included a reference key to help explain the black and white book's star system.

Colored Star = I can read this all by myself!
No Star = I may need some help with this book.
Checkmark = This book can stay at home.

Please take time to read these books with your child each night. You will find that with a little help your child will be able to read some of the books independently.

I ask that you have your child refrain from writing or coloring in these books while the are in use for classroom activities.  While at school, we may highlight words during word hunts or become authors and illustrators while adding a page or two to the end of the books. We discussed that the students are to only write or color in the books when they are given direct instructions to do so. We will be cleaning out the book bags on a regular basis so they don't get too full. The paper books can be kept at home (and colored in if your child so desires) when a checkmark appears in the top right corner of the cover.

Please let me know if you have questions.  
We will discuss your child's reading progress at our upcoming PEP conference.  Thank you in advance for your help in the successful introduction to another new routine, and please enjoy that reading time with your child.  They are excited to read to you!

PS:  Don't forget, Scholastic Book Orders are due on Friday, September 12th.  Click HERE to access our online store (first time activation code: NCNYY).  Here you will find many wonderful book options (at a variety of levels) for your aspiring reader.

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