Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Library Tomorrow - Wed, Apr 1

Don't forget!  We will be traveling to the library tomorrow, Wednesday, April 1.  Please be sure your child brings their library card.

VIP RSVPs Needed

VIP Day information went out last week.  Please RSVP (to me and Jessi) as soon as possible.  All visiting guests will be receiving an Evite through their email.  VIP RSVPs are due no later than THIS Friday, April 3rd.  Please be sure to reply with any questions!  Thank you!

Mark your calendars for Monday, April 6th as Willowwind's annual VIP Day is right around the corner.  Please read carefully as this email is full of important information and your help is needed in making VIP Day a success.

Your child is welcome to invite one VIP to spend an afternoon at Willowwind.  A Willowwind VIP is a charismatic adult that plays an important role in your child's life but doesn't often get the chance to see your child interact as a student here at Willowwind School.  Your child's VIP should be a vested adult interested in learning more about Willowwind through the eyes and leadership of your child.  A Willowwind VIP may include a grandparent, adult neighbor, coworker, family friend, etc.  Please brainstorm with your child who they would like their one VIP to be.  Then have your child personally invite their VIP to be a part of our VIP Day.

By Friday, April 3rd please email your VIP RSVP to both your child's classroom teacher AND Jessi Murray at jessid@willowwind.org.  Please include your child's nametheir VIP's name, and the VIP's email address.  We would like to personally welcome all VIPs to Willowwind via a school Evite.  VIP Day allows us to grow our Willowwind family while giving VIPs an opportunity to see the fun your child has while learning and growing.

This FRIDAY - Burrowing Owl Coffee

Below is a note from the 3/4 class - the Burrowing Owls.  Please join them at their cafe with your child to enjoy a nice breakfast.  I will be available to be with your child beginning at 8:00 and we will enjoy time at the breakfast, but if your work schedule allows I would encourage you to enjoy the nice morning with your child until our day will begin officially at 8:30.  Thanks and enjoy!

Please join us on Friday, April 3 for the annual Burrowing Owl CafĂ©. The Owls will be serving breakfast from 7:45 to 8:30. We are earning money for our class trip to the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge.  We will view an Iowa prairie with a herd of bison, take a prairie hike, and complete a stewardship project.  Come join us for a healthy breakfast and bring the whole family. Don't have time to eat? You can take some goodies to share at work AND donations are welcome as well. We will also be a bake sale at the end of the day from 3:15 to 3:45, where we will sell leftovers. Here is the menu for this year. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!

Coffee- $1.00
Special Coffee- $1.50 (Maybe)
Smoothie- 1.00
Juice/Milk/Hot Cocoa/Lemonade- 50c

Bagel with cream cheese- 1.00
Baked Good (large)- 1.00
Baked Good (small)- 50c
Oatmeal- 1.50
Hard Boiled Eggs- 75c
Mini-Quiche- 50c
Cereal/Milk- 50c
Fruit Cup- 1.00
Piece of fruit- 50c

Save the Date: Culture Festival

You are invited to join the Willowwind Community for our Culture Festival on SaturdayApril 18 from 3:00-4:30.  

Many PK-6th grade families have volunteered to share some traditions from their own culture with us.  Culture booths will include music, crafts, photos, traditional items of clothing, dances, games and traditional foods from different countries around the world. 

This open house style event will begin at 3:00.  Families will be welcome to move freely around the school, visiting each country and filling up their passport.  Each preschool classroom will be representing a country and there will be several additional countries represented upstairs.  The whole school will gather together at 4:15 to conclude the festival with a folk dance led by several of our specials teachers.

This is such fun opportunity for us to learn even more about one another   We hope to see you there!!

Specials Newsletter - Mar/Apr

Music Update - From Ms. Katherine
The monthly music blog has been updated.  Please visit http://wwelemmusic.blogspot.com/ to learn more about your child's Willowwind music experience.

Art Update - From Mr. Ryan
We are in the fifth block of Visual Art, and we have been learning about illustration.  Our illustration block consists of our biggest project of the year at Willowwind – Partner Books! Partner Books consists of each student writing and illustrating a short book for their partner, who is the protagonist in the story. The classroom teachers have done a wonderful job of working with their students in order to create imaginative, fun, and interesting stories to illustrate during Art.

First, we learned that the biggest difference between a drawing and an illustration is that an illustration is a drawing that relates with a story. This means both the storytelling (text) and illustration have equal amount of importance for the work of Art. Students showed me how they could use their knowledge of different materials and aesthetics in other mediums to strengthen their illustrations. I must say, I have been absolutely impressed by the growth in artistic talent by all the students this year.

On top of reinforcing what makes an interesting piece of art, I taught students some basic techniques to strengthen their illustrations. The biggest things I touched upon this year are: 1. Start with light marks to find your space; 2. Include a foreground and background.

I was surprised how well the kinders responded to foreground and background. I have seen many illustrations with light, small, and “blurry” images on the top half of their paper, and having bigger, bolder, and more detailed figures and objects in the foreground. Students showed so much curiosity with their illustrations, I even had time to explain middle ground, and some students took the extra challenge to include it in their illustrations.

Partner Books are kept hidden from families and partner families until their grand reveal at the end of the year. I can confidently say that no one will be disappointed.

Thank you again for supporting and encouraging creativity and artistic growth in your child’s life.  It is truly amazing seeing their imagination unleashed during Art, and students desire and ability on wanting to learn and work through their mistakes.

Movement Update - From Ms. Karen
 It’s Spring!  Our PE classes are scheduled to be back outdoors again.  It’s also an Iowa Spring with a great variety of weather to navigate. So, please be sure to send your child to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays with good clothes to play (could be muddy) and stay warm outdoors. Remember to encourage your child to wear tennis shoes and jacket layers. If snow or rain alters our plans, we will meet in the GD space.

I am looking forward to how our outdoor PE units this month will provide students with the opportunity to become “physically literate.” Physical Literacy is about helping students master fundamental movement skills and fundamental sport skills that allow them to move confidently and with control in a wide range of physical activity situations.

Our fundamental sport skill units this month are Frisbee and Softball. Some of the fundamental movement skills addressed in these units include: throwing and catching a variety of objects, hand-eye coordination, visual tracking, crossing the midline activities, balance, base of support and weight transfer.  Some of the sport skills addressed in these units include: batting, fielding, base running, rules and strategies of games, offense, defense and players positions. All of the skills listed here are all integrated into PE lessons that are fun, exploratory, developmentally appropriate and cooperative.

Learning the basic rules and developmentally appropriate sport skills for Frisbee and Softball games will develop the confidence to participate in recreational games outside of Willowwind. There are baseball and softball recreation opportunities available to sign up now at the Rec Centers. We will also revisit the game of Disc Golf.  This recreational activity is a great family game that all abilities can have fun with. Iowa City and Coralville have some great Disc Golf courses to play on. Finding physical activities that your child enjoys now lays their foundation for living a healthy and active lifestyle.

In class, we will also continue our focus on locomotor skill development and fitness. I wonder if your child has attempted the March Madness Workout with you at home. We discuss common excuses made to avoid physical activity in class. Students will assess their Spring fitness levels by taking their fitness tests again. These tests include sit-ups, pull ups, V-sit stretch and half mile run.

Students continue to learn the fitness vocabulary to differentiate the purpose of our movement activities. They participate in cardiovascular fitness activities (huff and puff) and strength building activities that are fun and good for their body. They are learning names of the bones of the arms and legs.  Our overall goal in PE is for your child to develop the knowledge, abilities and commitment needed to live and promote a healthy, active lifestyle.

Spanish Update - From Ms. Megan
I hope you enjoyed the creative “Gracias Familia” notes the kindergarteners prepared to give to you after Community Night.  I also hope you continue to enjoy the Spanish songs your “hijos y hijas” sing at home.  Please continue to encourage them to use their Spanish throughout their day.  They are doing “muy bien” in class – I am SO proud of how they are picking up the language and accent. 

Although I utilize different Spanish activities in each kinder class based on the needs/abilities of the students, we all play a fun game called “Contando a cien” to practice Spanish numbers.  As a class, they are now able to count to 100 in Spanish!  ¡Fantastico!  Ask your child how he/she counts, and perhaps you can count at home.  Type in “Contando a cien” on youtube to find the rhythm we use. 

Please use the following Spanish vocabulary with your hijos:
¡Feliz dĂ­a de amor y amistad!      Happy Day of Love and Friendship! 
¡Feliz dĂ­a!                               Happy Day!
¡Hola! Buenos dĂ­as.                Hi!  Good morning.
¿CĂłmo estás?                          How are you?
Muy bien, gracias.                  Very well, thank you.
¿CĂłmo te llamas?                   What is your name?
Me llamo _____ .                   My name is ________ .
Tengo hambre.                        I am hungry.
______, por favor                   ________ , please
baño, por favor                       bathroom, please
¡Gracias!                                Thank you.
Manos                                    Hands
Manos arriba                          Hands up
Abajo                                     Down
En el medio                            In the middle
Atras                                      Behind
Mexclar las manos                 Mix your hands

Friday, March 27, 2015

Save the Date: VIP Day - Monday, April 6

Mark your calendars for Monday, April 6th as Willowwind's annual VIP Day is right around the corner.  Please read carefully as this email is full of important information and your help is needed in making VIP Day a success.

Your child is welcome to invite one VIP to spend an afternoon at Willowwind.  A Willowwind VIP is a charismatic adult that plays an important role in your child's life but doesn't often get the chance to see your child interact as a student here at Willowwind School.  Your child's VIP should be a vested adult interested in learning more about Willowwind through the eyes and leadership of your child.  A Willowwind VIP may include a grandparent, adult neighbor, coworker, family friend, etc.  Please brainstorm with your child who they would like their one VIP to be.  Then have your child personally invite their VIP to be a part of our VIP Day.

By Friday, April 3rd please email your VIP RSVP to both your child's classroom teacher AND Jessi Murray at jessid@willowwind.org.  Please include your child's nametheir VIP's name, and the VIP's email address.  We would like to personally welcome all VIPs to Willowwind via a school Evite.  VIP Day allows us to grow our Willowwind family while giving VIPs an opportunity to see the fun your child has while learning and growing.

Our VIP Day schedule is as follows:

K-6 VIP Day   12:00 - 2:45
12:00 - 12:30   VIP Lunch
•  Wild Wolf Cafe is serving an optional pulled pork sandwich with sides (vegetarian option - grilled portobello sandwich).  Purchase for $5 by Friday, April 3 via their selling table in the entry way.  Lunch proceeds go towards the Wolves class trip.

12:30 - 1:30   VIP K-6 Classroom Time
•  K-6 VIPs are invited into student's classroom to learn more about educational opportunities that take place at Willowwind.

1:30 - 1:45  VIP Walk to River Community Church
• K-6 students will escort their VIP to River Community Church where VIPs and all family members are invited to our annual Spring Program.

1:45 - 2:45  PreK-6 Annual Spring Music Program
• Join your child and their VIP at River Community Church as students present their Spring Music Program.

2:45 - 3:15  Optional K-6 Early Dismissal
•  VIP Day presents an optional early dismissal for K-6 families.  At the end of the Spring Music Program you are welcome to take your child home early.  If the early dismissal option does not work for your family's schedule then the school day will continue until regular 3:15 dismissal time where ASP will also be available for all students until 6:00 pm.  Please let your classroom teacher know if they will be staying until regular dismissal time or for ASP.

Please let Rachel Butler or your child's classroom teacher know if you have any questions.  Please be sure to RSVP by next Friday, April 3rd.  Thank you for your support.

Parent Homework - Highlights Puzzles Subcriptions

The Kindergarten classes are partnering again with Highlights magazine to bring a wonderful opportunity to your family and our classrooms.  On Monday, your child will bring home TWO subscription forms – one for Highlights Puzzle Buzz and one for Highlights Hidden Pictures Club.  You will find these forms in your child’s Take Home Folder.  See below for more information.

If you are interested in ordering a one-year subscription to one or both please provide your signature and the necessary information on each form.  If you are not interested in the subscriptions simply check the no line AND provide your parent signature.

There is absolutely no obligation to order, but returning the forms with a yes or no provides your child’s classroom with free supplies.  In years past, families have been able to earn the classroom math manipulatives, pocket charts, book bins, stickers, pencils, games and more.

So what are Highlights Puzzle Buzz and Highlights Hidden Pictures Club?
•  Puzzle Buzz books are packed with puzzles, mazes, hidden pictures, dot-to-dot, matching games, word searches, young twisters and more.
•  Hidden Pictures books keep kids engaged with challenging activities, hands-on activities including puzzles, matching games and silly illustrations.

Please return your order forms with a yes OR no answer by Friday, April 10th.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

TONIGHT - Oasis Fundraising

TONIGHT - Thursday, March 26
Willowwind families at Oasis Falafel Restaurant
support our Summer Camp Scholarship Program

Oasis Falafel Restaurant is located at 206 North Linn Street in Iowa City.  A portion of all sales from Oasis restaurant will be donated to Willowwind's Summer Camp Scholarship program.  With these funds, we are hoping to provide a Willowwind experience to students who may not otherwise be able to attend our school year or summer programs.  Thank you in advance for your support!  Enjoy!

THIS WEEKEND - Work Day / Can Drive

Support Willowwind's music program by bringing your empty glass, aluminum or plastic cans and bottles to Willowwind from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm this Saturday, March 28.  Any container with a five cent Iowa Refund can be redeemed.  100% of all proceeds will go toward purchasing equipment, music, and other music supplies.  Feel free to stick around and help out around the building that morning as well for Parent Work Day.  We need help spreading wood chips  

Invented Spelling

Using a bit of "kid spelling", here is a fun letter of encouragement. Enjoy! :)

Der Parints,

As ur child brings hom riting, do nut be serprizd at the speling. The inglish langwij is confuzing for studints. Prematur insistints that studints use standar or "correct" speling inhibits thair dezir and ability to rit. We will uz "kid speling" or "fnetic speling" in r wrk. It is a grat asesment to se wit yur child nos.

Az parints u can hlp ur child bi prazing awl thair riting. Let ur child red thair riting to u. Displa thair riting arownd ur hom. No that as ur child becomz familyr with riting, he or she wil mak the tranzishun to standar speling.

Mz Mishel

Monday, March 23, 2015

New Routine: Basic Math Facts

Today, your child brought home a set of math flashcards. This is the first set of flashcards in our new Spring Math Facts routine.  Each Monday, your child will bring home a new sheet of weekly basic math fact flashcards.  Our first set of Math flashcards (doubles facts) went home today.  Please see that your child cuts these cards out and practices them nightly.  Also, please be sure your child does NOT write the answers on the front of the flashcards.  They are meant to be used repeatedly for quick, mental recall to develop automaticity.  They are welcome to write the answers on the back if they desire.  These flash cards do not need to return to school and should be used as an at-home tool to help build math fact fluency.

Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, March 24th, students will complete a three-minute time test focusing on memorizing their basic math facts. As students score a 90%, or higher, they will move onto more challenging math facts.  We have spent the first half of the school year working on understanding relationships between numbers and have developed strategies to solve these problems.  Now, we move to focus on automaticity.  The goal is to memorize all our basic addition and subtraction facts so that we can readily, and easily, solve harder problems as we move into two- and three-digit addition and subtraction.

Please let me know if you have questions.  In the meantime, please be sure to practice facts daily.  Some fun practice times include:  while brushing teeth, during TV commercials, while prepping dinner, in the bath tub, at breakfast time.  Build math fact practicing into your already established routine and have fun with it!

Changing Routine: Canvas Book Bags

As we make way for new Spring routines, it is important to reflect, revise, and revamp current routines and practices.  Kindergarteners continue to practice reading fluency daily through large-group reading lessons, guided reading groups, Quiet Reading Time, and partner reading.  Beginning today, your Kindergartener can leave their canvas book bag at home.  We will continue send home weekly paperback books (in Ziploc bag) with students each Monday.  We will also continue to use black & white books at school for sight word practice, spelling sort supplementation, and reading group books.  These books will go home via your child's Take Home Folder when we are finished with them at school and they can stay at home.  Doing so, allows us (your child's educators) to print books based on students' individual needs rather than trying to keep up with weekly whole class book needs.  This also gives us the chance to further personalize your child's reading education - meeting them best at their individual reading needs.

If you are looking for books to supplement what use to appear in the canvas book bag let me know and I'd be happy to provide your family with additional resources.  Thank you for understanding as we work to provide the best and most effective routines for your child and family.  Please let me know if you have questions.

Finally, save the date....we will be making our next trip to the library on Wednesday, April 1st (no April Fool's joke here ;) ).  Be sure your child brings their library card.  Thanks for your support!

Important Reminders

Homework - Complete daily.
Please be sure you are completing the following homework routines nightly.  I have noticed in recent weeks that many students are returning to school without completed homework. Your at-home help is needed.
•  one 2-sided math worksheet from Math Homework Packet
•  spelling sort practice - Click HERE for at-home ideas and Spelling Sort routines.
•  math flashcard practice - See blog post above for more information
•  read nightly

Outdoor Gear - BOOTS and SNOW PANTS needed.
The playground is extremely mud.  Please be sure your child has snow pants and boots here at school daily.  Snow pants and boots are required for recess play and to keep your child dry and clean while having fun in the warming sun.  Students will still be required to wear coats (a light weight Spring coat is fine) with cool Spring temperature.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

REMINDERS for TOMORROW Thursday 03.13

Tomorrow's Community Day / Night is upon us!  Please read carefully to ensure your child is ready for the fun and busy day and evening ahead.

School Arrival Time - 8:15
Please be sure your child is at school no later than our K-6 start time of 8:15.  At 8:30, the Kindergarteners will be performing their Acts of Kindness presentation for our Preschool community and we need to take the first 15 minutes of the day gearing up for this opportunity.  A prompt arrival will help your child start the day on a positive note helping aid in the success of our morning presentation.  Many thanks for your help!

Community Night Start Time - 5:30
Community Night will begin promptly at 5:30 pm at the River Community Church.  Prior to 5:30, please find a seat in the Sanctuary with your child.  Your child should stay with you for the first part of our evening event.

If your child will still be in ASP at 5:30 they will head to the church with the ASP staff and their take home belongings.  Please meet your ASP child at the church after 5:30.  All students must be with their parents no later than 6:00 when ASP concludes.

When it is the Kindergarteners time to perform, we will gather together as a Kindergarten class.  After our classes' performance, all Kindergarteners must stay with their classes for their remainder of Community Night.  Please aid in the success of this routine by encouraging your child prior to the event to stay with their class and helping them understand that you will be ready to celebrate their success at the final conclusion of the Community Night event.

Finally, we are in need of one parent volunteer to record our Community Night event from start to finish.  I will have my camcorder and am looking for a parent to operate it.  Doing so will give you front and center seats to the best performance in town!  Let me know if you are interested.

Thank you all for your support.  I am thrilled to share our hard work with you and our entire Willowwind community!

Spring Outdoor Gear

Is it possible, Spring feels like it might actually be around the corner!  Last week's blog was about COLD temperatures and snow.  This week's blog is about the warming temps and melting snow & mud!  My husband always says, "If you don't like today's weather just wait another day.  That's Iowa for you!"  With the changing of seasons I wanted to send out a few notes about outside play.  Please read carefully to be sure your child is prepare for our outdoor play.

1)  Sleds
With the snow quickly melting, please be sure your child takes home their sled by TOMORROW, Thursday, March 12th.  Any remaining sleds may be donated to Goodwill.

2)  Outdoor Wear

Even with the melting snow, the playground will still be wet and muddy for many weeks to come.  Please continue to leave your child's Winter gear throughout the wet Spring months.  Students will still be required to wear coats (a light weight Spring coat is fine), snow pants, and boots.  While the snow may be disappearing quickly, snow pants and boots are required to to keep your child dry and clean while having fun in the warming sun.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

RSVP: Community Night THIS Thur 03.12

The week is here for Willowwind's much-anticipated annual PreK-6th Grade Community Event.  On Thursday, March 12 join your child as classes present current works and studies.  All Willowwind students are expected to participate and are looking forward to having you be a part of their special event.

By, TOMORROW Wednesday, March 11th, please RSVP with a YES OR NO to confirm your child's attendance.  Again, all students are expected to participate.  We have been working hard for weeks on our performance and your child's participation is essential. If an unforeseeable event stands in the way from your child's Community Night participation please let me know ASAP so we can plan accordingly.

With your child, please join the Willowwind community promptly at 5:30 pm at River Community Church for a peek into our K-6 studies.  Preschool families are invited to attend, too, if interested.

Classroom Focuses Include:
Kindergarten:  Acts of Kindness
1/2 Grade:  Energy & Motion
3/4 Grade:  Invention Convention
5/6 Grade:  Science Fair

Community Day and Community Night are incredibly important events as they allows students - of all ages - to accept challenges and take risks as they perform and work on public speaking and presenting skills.  Your role as an audience member is crucial in providing all Willowwind students with a real-life, authentic experience in speaking and sharing to a large group.   Students not only build public speaking skills but also build other crucial life skills such as character, self-acceptance, resiliency, and GRIT.

We are so proud of our work and are eager to share it with you.  See you Thursday, March 12 at 5:30 pm.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Items from Home Reminder

A few reminders for you to be sure your child is best prepared for the day.

To help minimize distractions during the school day please be sure your child keeps all personal toys and belongings at home.  In recent weeks, many toys have been making their way to school and a lot of time is spent in the cubby area wanting to play with toys from home.  An opportunity to share fun things from home presents itself during your child's "Star of the Week" week.  If your child has a book to share with the class they are always welcomed to bring it in.  Thank you for your help in providing a classroom environment with minimal outside distractions.

Chapstick & Hand Sanitizer
In addition, with the dry Winter months here, if you child has chapstick for school please be sure to leave this at the Front Desk with Rachel B.  Recently, students have been storing chapsticks in their cubby.  While I encourage students to keep chapstick at school if it's needed, keeping it in the Front Office will reduce the desire to share with others which can further pass along germs and illnesses.  Rachel B. may ask you to fill out a non-prescription medication form for the use of chapstick at school.  This same procedure applies for cough drops, tylenol, etc.  In addition, please leave all personal bottles of hand sanitizer at home.  We have a classroom supply of hand sanitizer if it is ever needed in replace of washing hands.

Hats and Gloves
Burr!  It is STILL incredibly cold outside!  We are all ready for Spring, I'm sure, but please be sure your child has the necessary gear to be outside.  We head outside daily for recess if the "feels like" temperature is 0 or high.  In addition, even on exceptionally cold days, students walk across Muscatine with Ms. Karen to River Church's gym for Movement.  Our ears and hands are often without hats and gloves and the walk gets to be incredibly cold.  Please be sure your child is prepared for daily outside time.

Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks for your help!

Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendar

March Parent Coffee - TOMORROW, Friday, March 6th  8:30 - 9:15
Join us for a discussion of Carol Dweck's book Mindset.  Dweck's research focuses on why people succeed and how to foster success.  Her book discusses the idea of a "fixed mindset" versus a "growth mindset" and how to utilize these concepts to motivate children and reach our own potential.  The concepts discussed dovetail well with WW's year-long grit focus.  Clic HERE to listen to Dwecn's TED talk as she offers an explanation of her mindset theory.

MidWest One Kids' Art Exhibit - TOMORROW, Friday, March 6th  5:30 - 8:00
All students, family, and friends are welcomed to attend the Kids' Art Exhibit at MidWest One Bank on Clinton Street in downtown Iowa City.  Come see Willowwind's beautiful entries.  Refreshments will be served and our own Mr. Ryan will be showcasing three of his own paintings.

Willowwind's K-6 Community Night
NEXT Thursday, March 12 @ 5:30 at River Community Church
Please don't forget!  Next Thursday, March 12th is Community Night.  This event is a culminating point in our school year and an exceptional event for your child to be a part of.  Kindergarten will be sharing it's Kindness Unit with the community and will be discussing how their acts have impacted others her at school, in our local community, and far beyond.  This event is mandatory so please let me know by next Monday, March 9th if a prior event stands in the way of your child's attendance.  At 5:30, your child can sit with you for the start of the night and will join the Kindergarten class's part way through.

Spring Break - No School or BASP - March 16-20
but there is Spring Break Camp from 8:30 - 3:30!
Spring Break is fast approaching and Willowwind offers programming during the week.  Students can enroll in an "Outdoor Adventures" camp (K-6).  Click HERE to view registration information.

Enrichment Classes:  Session 2 - beginning Monday, March 23
Session 2 Enrichment Classes begin right after Spring Break.  Sign up your child now for engaging, hands-on after school classes!  Learn about smart money management in "Kidpreneurs" (K-2).  Click HERE for more inflation and to register today.

Willowwind Day at Oasis - Thursday, March 26
Enjoy a meal at Oasis and a portion of sales will go towards Willowwind's Summer Camp Scholarship Fund.

Willowwind's Summer Camp
Blow of STEAM this Summer!
Summer is right around the corner!  Have you signed your child up for WW''s 2015 Summer Camp?  Click HERE to view the brochure!

Eco Avengers Fundraiser

The Eco Avengers Club has been busy planning for improvements to Willowwind's outdoor space.  Students are hoping to raise funds so that we can plant a butterfly garden and add new seed to our current prairie.  If you wish to support these projects, please consider buying seeds from us for your garden this spring.  We will be selling 20 varieties of non-GMO seeds from Urban Farmer.  Each seed packet is $3.00 and we will receive 50% of the profit.  You will find us taking orders on Thursdays near the front desk from 2:00 to 2:30 and from 3:30 to 3:45. Please visit our table for more information.  You may pay in advance with cash or checks and seeds will be delivered to your child's classroom shortly after Spring Break.  Feel free to contact Ms. Christine at christines@willowwind.org with any questions.  Thank you for supporting our efforts to keep Willowwind green!

Dates for Garden Seed Sales:
Thursday, February 26
TODAY - Thursday, March 5 and Thursday, March 12

Note from Music: Can Drive

A note from Ms. Katherine:

The month of March has been designated as "Music in Our Schools Month" by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). During the month of March, NAfME encourages schools across the nation to highlight and focus on music education in our schools and greater community. You can support "Music In Our Schools Month" by donating to the Can Drive. Willowwind will be hosting one final Can Drive on Saturday, March 28th. Please spend the next several weeks saving your empty glass, aluminum or plastic cans and bottles to donate to school and support the music program! Any container with a 5 cent Iowa Refund can be redeemed. All proceeds will go directly back to Willowwind to support the music program. Stay tuned for more details about drop off in the coming weeks. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you in advance for your support of Willowwind programs!