Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Spring Outdoor Gear

Is it possible, Spring feels like it might actually be around the corner!  Last week's blog was about COLD temperatures and snow.  This week's blog is about the warming temps and melting snow & mud!  My husband always says, "If you don't like today's weather just wait another day.  That's Iowa for you!"  With the changing of seasons I wanted to send out a few notes about outside play.  Please read carefully to be sure your child is prepare for our outdoor play.

1)  Sleds
With the snow quickly melting, please be sure your child takes home their sled by TOMORROW, Thursday, March 12th.  Any remaining sleds may be donated to Goodwill.

2)  Outdoor Wear

Even with the melting snow, the playground will still be wet and muddy for many weeks to come.  Please continue to leave your child's Winter gear throughout the wet Spring months.  Students will still be required to wear coats (a light weight Spring coat is fine), snow pants, and boots.  While the snow may be disappearing quickly, snow pants and boots are required to to keep your child dry and clean while having fun in the warming sun.

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