Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Specials Newsletter - Mar/Apr

Music Update - From Ms. Katherine
The monthly music blog has been updated.  Please visit http://wwelemmusic.blogspot.com/ to learn more about your child's Willowwind music experience.

Art Update - From Mr. Ryan
We are in the fifth block of Visual Art, and we have been learning about illustration.  Our illustration block consists of our biggest project of the year at Willowwind – Partner Books! Partner Books consists of each student writing and illustrating a short book for their partner, who is the protagonist in the story. The classroom teachers have done a wonderful job of working with their students in order to create imaginative, fun, and interesting stories to illustrate during Art.

First, we learned that the biggest difference between a drawing and an illustration is that an illustration is a drawing that relates with a story. This means both the storytelling (text) and illustration have equal amount of importance for the work of Art. Students showed me how they could use their knowledge of different materials and aesthetics in other mediums to strengthen their illustrations. I must say, I have been absolutely impressed by the growth in artistic talent by all the students this year.

On top of reinforcing what makes an interesting piece of art, I taught students some basic techniques to strengthen their illustrations. The biggest things I touched upon this year are: 1. Start with light marks to find your space; 2. Include a foreground and background.

I was surprised how well the kinders responded to foreground and background. I have seen many illustrations with light, small, and “blurry” images on the top half of their paper, and having bigger, bolder, and more detailed figures and objects in the foreground. Students showed so much curiosity with their illustrations, I even had time to explain middle ground, and some students took the extra challenge to include it in their illustrations.

Partner Books are kept hidden from families and partner families until their grand reveal at the end of the year. I can confidently say that no one will be disappointed.

Thank you again for supporting and encouraging creativity and artistic growth in your child’s life.  It is truly amazing seeing their imagination unleashed during Art, and students desire and ability on wanting to learn and work through their mistakes.

Movement Update - From Ms. Karen
 It’s Spring!  Our PE classes are scheduled to be back outdoors again.  It’s also an Iowa Spring with a great variety of weather to navigate. So, please be sure to send your child to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays with good clothes to play (could be muddy) and stay warm outdoors. Remember to encourage your child to wear tennis shoes and jacket layers. If snow or rain alters our plans, we will meet in the GD space.

I am looking forward to how our outdoor PE units this month will provide students with the opportunity to become “physically literate.” Physical Literacy is about helping students master fundamental movement skills and fundamental sport skills that allow them to move confidently and with control in a wide range of physical activity situations.

Our fundamental sport skill units this month are Frisbee and Softball. Some of the fundamental movement skills addressed in these units include: throwing and catching a variety of objects, hand-eye coordination, visual tracking, crossing the midline activities, balance, base of support and weight transfer.  Some of the sport skills addressed in these units include: batting, fielding, base running, rules and strategies of games, offense, defense and players positions. All of the skills listed here are all integrated into PE lessons that are fun, exploratory, developmentally appropriate and cooperative.

Learning the basic rules and developmentally appropriate sport skills for Frisbee and Softball games will develop the confidence to participate in recreational games outside of Willowwind. There are baseball and softball recreation opportunities available to sign up now at the Rec Centers. We will also revisit the game of Disc Golf.  This recreational activity is a great family game that all abilities can have fun with. Iowa City and Coralville have some great Disc Golf courses to play on. Finding physical activities that your child enjoys now lays their foundation for living a healthy and active lifestyle.

In class, we will also continue our focus on locomotor skill development and fitness. I wonder if your child has attempted the March Madness Workout with you at home. We discuss common excuses made to avoid physical activity in class. Students will assess their Spring fitness levels by taking their fitness tests again. These tests include sit-ups, pull ups, V-sit stretch and half mile run.

Students continue to learn the fitness vocabulary to differentiate the purpose of our movement activities. They participate in cardiovascular fitness activities (huff and puff) and strength building activities that are fun and good for their body. They are learning names of the bones of the arms and legs.  Our overall goal in PE is for your child to develop the knowledge, abilities and commitment needed to live and promote a healthy, active lifestyle.

Spanish Update - From Ms. Megan
I hope you enjoyed the creative “Gracias Familia” notes the kindergarteners prepared to give to you after Community Night.  I also hope you continue to enjoy the Spanish songs your “hijos y hijas” sing at home.  Please continue to encourage them to use their Spanish throughout their day.  They are doing “muy bien” in class – I am SO proud of how they are picking up the language and accent. 

Although I utilize different Spanish activities in each kinder class based on the needs/abilities of the students, we all play a fun game called “Contando a cien” to practice Spanish numbers.  As a class, they are now able to count to 100 in Spanish!  ¡Fantastico!  Ask your child how he/she counts, and perhaps you can count at home.  Type in “Contando a cien” on youtube to find the rhythm we use. 

Please use the following Spanish vocabulary with your hijos:
¡Feliz día de amor y amistad!      Happy Day of Love and Friendship! 
¡Feliz día!                               Happy Day!
¡Hola! Buenos días.                Hi!  Good morning.
¿Cómo estás?                          How are you?
Muy bien, gracias.                  Very well, thank you.
¿Cómo te llamas?                   What is your name?
Me llamo _____ .                   My name is ________ .
Tengo hambre.                        I am hungry.
______, por favor                   ________ , please
baño, por favor                       bathroom, please
¡Gracias!                                Thank you.
Manos                                    Hands
Manos arriba                          Hands up
Abajo                                     Down
En el medio                            In the middle
Atras                                      Behind
Mexclar las manos                 Mix your hands

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