Friday, March 27, 2015

Parent Homework - Highlights Puzzles Subcriptions

The Kindergarten classes are partnering again with Highlights magazine to bring a wonderful opportunity to your family and our classrooms.  On Monday, your child will bring home TWO subscription forms – one for Highlights Puzzle Buzz and one for Highlights Hidden Pictures Club.  You will find these forms in your child’s Take Home Folder.  See below for more information.

If you are interested in ordering a one-year subscription to one or both please provide your signature and the necessary information on each form.  If you are not interested in the subscriptions simply check the no line AND provide your parent signature.

There is absolutely no obligation to order, but returning the forms with a yes or no provides your child’s classroom with free supplies.  In years past, families have been able to earn the classroom math manipulatives, pocket charts, book bins, stickers, pencils, games and more.

So what are Highlights Puzzle Buzz and Highlights Hidden Pictures Club?
•  Puzzle Buzz books are packed with puzzles, mazes, hidden pictures, dot-to-dot, matching games, word searches, young twisters and more.
•  Hidden Pictures books keep kids engaged with challenging activities, hands-on activities including puzzles, matching games and silly illustrations.

Please return your order forms with a yes OR no answer by Friday, April 10th.

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