Wednesday, March 11, 2015

REMINDERS for TOMORROW Thursday 03.13

Tomorrow's Community Day / Night is upon us!  Please read carefully to ensure your child is ready for the fun and busy day and evening ahead.

School Arrival Time - 8:15
Please be sure your child is at school no later than our K-6 start time of 8:15.  At 8:30, the Kindergarteners will be performing their Acts of Kindness presentation for our Preschool community and we need to take the first 15 minutes of the day gearing up for this opportunity.  A prompt arrival will help your child start the day on a positive note helping aid in the success of our morning presentation.  Many thanks for your help!

Community Night Start Time - 5:30
Community Night will begin promptly at 5:30 pm at the River Community Church.  Prior to 5:30, please find a seat in the Sanctuary with your child.  Your child should stay with you for the first part of our evening event.

If your child will still be in ASP at 5:30 they will head to the church with the ASP staff and their take home belongings.  Please meet your ASP child at the church after 5:30.  All students must be with their parents no later than 6:00 when ASP concludes.

When it is the Kindergarteners time to perform, we will gather together as a Kindergarten class.  After our classes' performance, all Kindergarteners must stay with their classes for their remainder of Community Night.  Please aid in the success of this routine by encouraging your child prior to the event to stay with their class and helping them understand that you will be ready to celebrate their success at the final conclusion of the Community Night event.

Finally, we are in need of one parent volunteer to record our Community Night event from start to finish.  I will have my camcorder and am looking for a parent to operate it.  Doing so will give you front and center seats to the best performance in town!  Let me know if you are interested.

Thank you all for your support.  I am thrilled to share our hard work with you and our entire Willowwind community!

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